D&D play by post vs. AD&D play by post
Name: Wizard
Comments: I was just wondering if there was any significant difference between D&D play by post vs. AD&D play by post since they are both being played in the same way.
The rules is basically the difference. Your character can improve, survive, and conquer based on certain guidelines and the story of course. In D&D, known as Dungeons & Dragons the rules are simple and easy to get started. In AD&D, known as Advanced Dungeons and Dragons the rules are more complex. If you want to participate in a D&D Play by Post or AD&D Play by Post feel free to venture to: Source 9
It's just like one would expect - AD&D is more "Advanced" than regular D&D, has more rules, is more fiddly with the system and mechanics, and has more options and features and such, while in theory, D&D is more basic and simple, not that I can tell much depending on which version of the two you're comparing.