This is the sad reality of our youth in this country. At the age of 11 it is alleged that he is selling ganja and that he got his supply from his mother! Then they wondering why the children behaving like this?
Name: George
Title: 11year old selling ganja
Comments: This is just the writing on the wall. As long as our politics remain in the hands of irresponsible, deceitful, uncompassionate politicians who don't care two hoots about crime here we could look forward seeing even more under age children dabbling in crime. It will happen sooner than later Mark my word. The government must seek outside international help and also do something to increase the manpower of the local police. As I said before disband our dormant defence force and share the manpower between the police and the coastguards. This is the only way to kill two birds with one stone and save a lot of money. Whilst enhancing our security and remove unnecessary fear and anxiety from of citizens.
It should be the mother going to jail instead, she is responsible in taking care of her child and not encouraging illegal activity only to send him imprisoned. Some people just don't change.