Palau Gangs
Are illegal Gangs prevelant in Palau? What are the laws governing Gangsters? How many local Palau Gangs are there and do any of them have ties to foregin illegal gangs?
Name: Palauan
Title: So called gangsters
Comments: To let everyone know.. Palau do have gangsters but we don't use the term gangster.. Just a group of people from different hamlets or state that have each others backs, from generation to generation.. They do have colors to represent and also what many gangsters are known for they do nothing but violence especially fighting ..Guns in Palau are illegal so they fight mostly with weapons such as rocks, machete, knifes, air rifles, ect. Its mostly influenced by young generation s.. Palau maybe a small island but it can be dangerous at night at the wrong places.. But Palau is still a wonderful place to be. I can talk more bout the gangs if you guys are interested.