Forum Smilies & Emoticons
Forum Smilies & Emoticons refers to those images you see in posts that look like a small face with a smile. Some of them might be mini-animations meant to replace what you cannot say properly with words. For instance, if someone does not want to come across as being overbearing or harsh then they might add a smiling Emoticon to represent that.
In the past, "Smilies" and "Emoticons" were a big deal and for some external sites they still are a main attraction, but for a site like this where constructive writing is the primary goal Forum Smilies & Emoticons just get in the way. At present, only ONE Smiliey / Emoticon is allowed per Post.
While we have a fairly large selection now we will be narrowing that down soon to just a few with the core ones being the most readily available.
When I first got on the internet I would use emoticons after each sentence. After awhile they lost the coolness factor and became irritating when I would see a email or text message loaded with them to the point I could not understand the original message. Now I don't use them at all so won't miss it when gone.
I'm fine with them being limited to once per post. They can be overused but I feel that there is a place for it. Written communications has limitations opposed to verbal. You could say the same thing both verbally and in written form and it would most likely be interpreted differently. In verbal form they have a tone to pick up and can decipher whether you are joking or angry etc. Written form lends itself to easy misunderstandings. A post could come off as sounding angry when that isn't the intention. Emoticons help to clear that up. Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Apr, 2017 - 5:25pm
Sure, I know some need them for that purpose, however a few people who join (Mostly new Members) who are accustomed with using one after every sentence (Blurb) on other sites will try to do the same thing here by being very creative. You don't see it because we edit it or delete their silly messages.