Canada Asylum - Insanity
Is the subject of Mental Health in Canada taboo?
If you mentioned to a local that you are somehow associated with Mental Health in Canada will that be taken with scorn?
What are the most known Canada Psychiatric hospitals ?
Canadian Proposal Would Allow Doctors to Euthanize Mentally Disabled Patients
In the 1990s by the Canadian Supreme Court ruled that assisted suicide is not a constitutional right. But the Court has again taken up the issue–and hence, I suspect the handwriting is on the wall. Ref. Source 3
For me these stick out but this is mostly Ontario I know little of the other provinces health care.
Ajax and Pickering Health Centre - I recall a few escapees when I was in Toronto from here.
McMaster University Medical Centre Site - Because it is McMaster University grounds.
There was one in Whitby that springs to mind because it shut down and the patients where left to fend for themselves. Still can picture the transvestite with a beard and people protecting him/her from drunk teens. It was bad.