Wanna own a castle ... And a village? Pony up $8.3M, and it's yours
A royal family in Italy has owned the 2,100-acre Castle of Sismano estate for over 1,000 years, but now it can all be yours for only $8.3 million. Ref. Source 5d.
Castle Of Sismano Estate (Hover)
If I had the money I would but it outright. The appealing thing is not the castle itself but getting a village with it too!
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%
I would so love a place like that to call my own but if you're rich enough to afford that you're probably already living in a nice pad so that might be more of an investment for a corporation as a hotel.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 71 7.1%