Dead teen may have been drinking in freezing conditions
A teenager found dead in Taupo at the weekend may have been drinking in extremely cold conditions.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/4610036a10.html
This is a big problem here in Alaska. Inebriated people are unable to recognize when they are freezing to death. They get drunk and then try to walk home in sub-zero temperatures or they wander off into the night and get lost. The alcohol gives them a false sense of warmth. Then they are found the next day dead. Every winter there are people who die this way up here. Alcohol and freezing temperatures do not mix.
Yeah I can understand that and how it can happen. I once walked home in sub freezing weather after drinking a lot of beer. I made it home ok and everything is fine with me. I was young at the time and not always thinking correctly. I think the thing that saved me was the fact that I do not get too cold too easy. The beer just helped me not feel it as easily too. I would not recommend doing this by anyone. I know now that I could have easily died out in the extreme weather.