More Experienced
Two people over there duration of life make different choices. We will call the first human who has chosen well: 'A', and the second one who has chosen badly over the years: 'B'. Both A and B meet in a room, B is somehow convinced that he is more experienced than A, is this justifiable?
People are always like that. If they do drugs and you never did then they feel they are somehow more wise than you. I'm thinking it makes them look so immature.
More experienced? Sure. But more experience isn't always good. People with more life experience who have made more bad choices are not necessarily the ones you want helping you make your choices. After all, they have proven that they are not good at making the right choices the first time. It doesn't take someone who has done lots of drugs to tell someone else not to do them. They may be a good example of what can happen, but the other example would be that you can get by better without ever trying them in the first place. Experience is over rated, especially when it comes to bad life experiences.
I think that you make an interesting point GothicNature. It does seem that when we have experienced something negative or positive we feel that we have an edge over someone that has not been there. And I suppose in a way we do. So, I do think that it is justifiable for a person to feel that they have experienced more because they made choices they view as "bad" seeing as you would be likely to think that when you stray from the path of "rightness" you have gone somewhere that most people try not to. We are taught from when we are young what is acceptable behavior and what is not based on certain social standards and we are given reasons for not participating in certain activities. Some widely spouted examples of this are; smoking, unprotected sex, drunk driving, murder and theft. The list goes on. . . .
But consider that many people may have a different viewpoint. A woman who murders the man who molested her when she was a child may feel entirely justified for taking his life. In that circumstance is it fair to say that a "bad" decision is truly bad or just generally accepted to be so?
I know I've gone off topic a little but is any question ever really black or white? Where are the shades of color in between and surrounding the two?
I would not consider A nor B more experienced than the other. They both have a lifetime of experience - it is just different - not more, not less. If one can make it through life by learning from other people's mistakes rather than making their own mistakes they are still gaining experience.
I would say they are both just as experienced. A is very experienced at what can happen to you and your life if you make the right decisions. B can tell you about life from not getting the right breaks or the wrong decisions. B might have had a harder life but he/she is not more experienced than A is. A can tell you of how they learned not to do certain things and make it through life with a clear record.