Precision control of superconductivity in atomic layers using magnetic molecules. A research team has succeeded in precisely controlling the transition temperature of atomic-scale-thick superconductors using magnetic organic molecules. The team also identified the control mechanism. Ref. Source 9y.
Magnetic order in a two-dimensional molecular chessboard. Achieving magnetic order in low-dimensional systems consisting of only one or two dimensions has been a research goal for some time. Researchers now show that magnetic order can be created in a two-dimensional chessboard lattice consisting of organometallic molecules that are only one atomic layer thick. Ref. Source 7v.
First direct look at how electrons 'dance' with vibrating atoms. The first direct measurements, and by far the most precise ones, have been made of how electrons move in sync with atomic vibrations rippling through an exotic material, as if they were dancing to the same beat. The new way to study materials shows this 'electron-phonon coupling' can be far stronger than predicted, and could potentially play a role in unconventional superconductivity. Source 9w.
Scientists watch 'artificial atoms' assemble into perfect lattices with many uses. Some of the world's tiniest crystals are known as 'artificial atoms' because they can organize themselves into structures that look like molecules, including 'superlattices' that are potential building blocks for novel materials. Now scientists have made the first observation of these nanocrystals rapidly forming superlattices while they are themselves still growing. Source 7r.
Major discovery in controlling quantum states of single atoms. The scientists identified which mechanisms destroy the quantum properties of individual insulator. Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, which utilizes an atomically sharp metal tip, they were able to precisely image individual iron atoms and measure and control the time that the iron atom can maintain its quantum behavior. Source 1l.
Atoms may hum a tune from grand cosmic symphony. Researchers playing with a cloud of ultracold atoms uncovered behavior that bears a striking resemblance to the universe in microcosm. Their work forges new connections between atomic physics and the sudden expansion of the early universe. Source 1u.