Your Baby Will Have Down Syndrome
SAN DIEGO - All tests indicated that Mary Neesham, then 26, would have a healthy baby. But the moment her son Gage was born a year ago, doctors knew those tests were wrong. She and her husband, Greg, learned that Gage has Down syndrome - and with it a confusing complex of physical and mental abnormalities. All those problems result from an extra chromosome 21, and all require specialized care.
Your Baby Will Have Down Syndrome (Hover)
When talking about abortion, it can be useful to look at the following scenarios:
1. There's a preacher and wife who are very, very, poor. They already have 14 kids. Now she finds out she's pregnant with her 15th. They're living in tremendous poverty. Considering their poverty and the excessive world population, would you consider recommending she get an abortion?
2. The father is sick with sniffles, the mother has TB. They have 4 children. the 1st is blind, the 2nd is dead, the 3rd is deaf and the 4th has TB. she finds she's pregnant again. Given the extreme situation, would you consider recommending abortion?
3. A white man raped a 13 year old black girl and she got pregnant. If you were her parents, would you consider recommending abortion?
Would you advise any of the above people to have an abortion?
In the first case, you have just killed John Wesley. One of the great evangelists of the 19th century.
In the second case, you have killed Beethoven.
In the third case, you have killed Ethel Waters, the great black gospel singer.
Certainly makes you think , doesn't it?
The answer for me personally, would always be no....I don't think it's morally right for one thing, amongst other religious beliefs.
I am only 33 years old but I was offered a blood test for Down Syndrome now that I am pregnant (routine test). I thought I was too young to test (I may think about it if I was over 40). Having said that, I did not do it because it won't make a difference to me. It is my child and I would never abort him just because he/she may have Down Syndrome.
99% of Adults With Down Syndrome Report Being Happy in Life
The worst statistic that is floating around these days is the one that upwards of 90% or more of Down Syndrome children are aborted after prenatal testing. I am convinced that this is because parents are pressured into abortion by their health care providers.
In a totally backwards world, parents are told that they are selfish and evil if they DO NOT kill their special needs child. And with a new, early, non-invasive genetic test on the horizon, the pressure on parents to "get rid of" their Down Syndrome child will only increase. I refer to this quote more often than I should, but I believe it is so important to understand what is being said in doctor's offices about those with Down Syndrome:
"A woman I know was told by her obstetrician that her fetus had Down syndrome. The doctor ordered her to abort, she refused"¦. Another woman was similarly coerced. Her doctor told her that her baby would be more like a fish than a human and would only be as smart as a baboon." - From Lori B. Andrews book The Clone Age Ref. Source 6
When I was pregnant. We opted not to have the down syndrome screening because the result would only give us a one in how many chance of him being downs. If it was not going to be clear cut then we decided not to chance it. We talked about if he was downs, that we would keep him. If I had found out we had a downs baby, we wouldn't have had an abortion. However, if my circumstances were different, then I may. Everyone has the right to choose. Having said that...people with downs are some of the most happiest in the world.
Abortion and Disabilities: 87% of Downs Die, 64% Spina Bifida
The targeting of unborn children in abortion is especially heartbreaking for parents who have raised children with disabilities and experienced the love and joy they share together.
Now, a new flier produced by Right to Life of Michigan provides some startling stats in terms of the percentage of unborn children diagnosed with various medical conditions who become victims of abortion.
"Disabled individuals, no matter what age or status, are human beings worthy of protection. To say a disabled person is less of a human being diminishes the respect for every human life. The value of life does not depend on looks or abilities. There is innate dignity in every human life," it reads. "Yet unfortunately, unborn and newborn children with disabilities are the least protected members of society. Masked under the cloak of compassion, innocent human beings are being killed without their consent because their lives are proclaimed not worth living."
The chilling numbers reveal what Right to Life calls the 'sinister side of abortion."
"A study from Wayne State University found that 87% of unborn children diagnosed with Down Syndrome were aborted. An review of studies in several countries showed 92% of unborn children who were diagnosed with Down Syndrome were aborted," RLM says. Ref. Source 8