Name: Detectivewannabe
Comments: First, the lady's shirt still has a security tag but I can't explain how she got it because if she simply grabbed it and walked out of the store, it should have beeped loudly and she should be running away from the guards. If so, she shouldn't have time to wear it at once. If she did have time, she must be a real idiot to wear it with its tag on.
Second, the building in the background is really weird. The way they connect to each other as a corner is so unnatural.
Third,I think the houses in the middle(the blue and green ones)aren't supposed to be there. I think they were just added by photo shop.
Did I miss anything else? this is really fun!
Name: Tony
Comments: This person may be male or female as the large physical appearance could be either. It may be possible that this is in fact a man who needed a quick disguise hence the shoplifted blouse and possibly a wig too. The food and drinks for one indicate that they are alone and not immediately expecting company. The fact that it is untouched may be because they are concentrating on surveillance. The location chosen has a wide field of view but allows the observer to sit for long periods unnoticed as this is normal for the location. However the person appears nervous - picking at their fingers which may imply that they are the one that was being observed and needed a quick change in appearance. The exposed tag implies an untrained person panicking rather than a cool professional.
The security tag is the big round one and probably has some weight to it, how could she like totally miss that or not even feel it on her back, that's the real mystery about this photo.
The answer to the first in this series of Detective Skills for Police Chief RPG has been added in a Secret Box to the first Post of this Thread. Well done if you figured it out quickly.
Name: Jerome
Title: Mysterious woman
Comments: That woman is a shop lifter because she forgot to put off the security tag.