I think this is just an excuse for some to say they can not help but smoke as they have a active gene that makes quitting hard to do. I think all this stuff that people come up with to give others an excuse for their behavior is just wrong. If people can not own up to their actions then what are we headed for?
I agree with Kntoran, it is almost like there is a "gene" for everything these days. If a woman is pregnant and cannot stop smoking it is because she does not really care, simply as that. Harsh? Maybe, but that's the truth.
Woman Who Lost Two Babies at Birth Attributes Deaths to Smoking 25 Cigarettes A Day
In 2011, Sophie Jones was heartbroken when she delivered a stillborn baby. Now Jones believes her addiction to cigarettes was the reason her son, Korey, died. She admitted that during her pregnancies she smoked more than 25 cigarettes a day; however, at the time she didn't realize the dangers smoking can have on an unborn child. Ref. Source 3
Being an ex smoker yes its hard to butt out but I do not think it is a gene issue so much as a wilful choice.
I will put this out there though addictions are real and are hard to beat so please if you want children go get help beat the addiction prior to pregnancy please. This goes for dad as well.
Children Born In Winter Or To Smoking Mothers Have Vulnerable Lungs
Science Related News
Smoking mothers, respiratory infections and the date you were born contribute to determine how fast your lungs are aging, shows research. People who have been exposed to the aforementioned factors have a faster decline in lung function, which practically means a faster aging process. Still, this only becomes apparent if they themselves start smoking or if other risk factors have been a part of their early life.
Smoking while pregnant may compromise children’s kidney function
Compared with those born from nonsmoking mothers, young children whose mothers smoked while pregnant were 1.24-times more likely to show signs of kidney damage, research shows. Ref. Source 3h.