NOTE: This Role-playing Game is CLOSED.
Current ACTIVE game: Ruler of Kings II Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game
Looking for New Players! Please, if you are interested post here and I can answer any questions you may have. Once you have a character together and have filled out a character sheet we can see to bringing you into the campaign, the sooner the better. Even then, given how we have lost players I may allow you to bring your character in before the character sheet is finished just make sure you get it taken care of ASAP.
This campaign with be using the Pathfinder Roleplaying System alongside the Ponyfinder Campaign Setting, Tribes of Everglow, and Griffins of Everglow. All other books allowed and available are listed below. One note though is that while I am using many of the mechanics of the Ponyfinder Campaign Setting, the campaign itself will be set in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as such a general knowledge of the show is encouraged.
In this campaign players will be able to play as ponies such as earth ponies, pegasus, unicorns, and crystal ponies along with the likes of griffens and zebras. More exotic races such as purrsian, sun ponies, sea ponies, changelings, flutterponies, and even deer will also be available. All pony races have what are called cutiemarks, which are symbols emblazoned on their flanks and are a visual representation of their special talent and even destiny. In this setting less emphasis will be placed on combat, violence, and killing whatever is before the party with instead more focus on exploration and coming up with more diplomatic or non-violent solutions to challenges faced.
Please create your characters and post them here for my approval. To activate the Character Sheet please use the "Create Associated Role-playing Game Character" Button to the top left.
The Ponyfinder SRD can be found via the link, as provided by <!--WORD2URL-01--><!--END WORD2URL-01-->JB<!--WORD2URL-02--><!--END WORD2URL-02-->, which offers everything from Races, Feats, Favored Class Options, Racial Archetypes, Deities, Additional Domains, Languages, and the Cavalier Update (No mount/quadruped cersion).
Step 1 - Create Your Backstory. If You're Playing a Pony, Think of a Cutiemark/Special Talent.
Your Backstory will help you, as the player, create a framework to build your character off of. It will give you the opportunity to show who your character is and what drives them to be the individual they are. One's past shapes one's desires, motivations, goals, and personality… As well offers to the Dungeon Master the chance to better weave your character into the campaign, maybe even use parts of your backstory to come up to adventures and plot hooks.
For those playing Ponykind characters, there is also their character's Cutiemark which in many ways greatly effects who they are. It allows you to come up with a special talent, also even giving an extra feat in the case of Earth Ponies, Pegasus, and Unicorns so as to better build the sort of character you desire. Use this extra feat, this special talent, to set your character apart from those they may meet.
Step 2 - Determine Ability Scores
Dungeon Master will allow players to decide which of the three methods will be used,
The Focus and Foible Method (Modified): Choose a Focus, an ability score at which you excel. You receive an 18 in that score. Choose a Foible, an ability score that is your weakness. You receive an 8 in that score. The other four, roll 1d10+7 four times in order. There are no rerolls, though you may decide where the rolls go. These are your other four scores.
Other Methods: Roll 4d6, reroll 1s and 2s once or 5d6, reroll 1s once and then drop the lowest. These are you stats, though you may decide where the rolls go.
Step 3 - Pick Your Race
Only Ponyfinder races from Silver Games LLC are permitted. There may be certain races that will be more difficult to play in this campaign or rarer in a given area, so discussion may be required. Dungeon Master reserves the right to deny certain choices from players.
It is possible for certain races such as the kitsune or dampir be picked if discussed, with some refluffing and a few modifications though such a choice by players can only be chosen once. Having a party made up of such races would defeat the purpose of playing a Ponyfinder Campaign.
Step 4 - Pick Your Class
All Core, Base, Hybrid, and Occult Classes as well as Archetypes are permitted. Unchained replaces monk, summoner, barbarian, and rogue with 3rd party alterations involving such in some cases. The big one being the Everyman Unchained: Monk Archetypes I & II which would allowing players to take Monk archetypes using Unchained Monk. If such is desired, ask and I will provide information on the Monk archetype you want to play. Otherwise use, d20pfsrd.com for information involving classes.
Step 5 - Pick Traits and Skills
You may all pick two traits, though more can be gained through a certain feat, either going to the d20pfsrd or the Ponyfinder SRD to do so. Pick your skills, limited only by level and perhaps class. In this case skills can only have as many ranks as character level, though this can be raised through other means.
Step 6 - Pick Your Equipment
A player is not allowed to spend more than half of their character's total wealth on any single item. For a balanced approach, PCs should consider spending no more than 25% of their wealth on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other magic items, 15% on disposable items like potions, scrolls, and wands, and 10% on ordinary gear and coins. Different character types might spend their wealth differently than these percentages above, such as arcane casters might spend very little on weapons but a great deal more on other magic items and disposable items.
All Books That Will be Used/Allowed in this Campaign
If you are interested in learning more about some of the books below, or would like information from them you may request such and I will help you get what is asked from them. Also d20pfsrd.com will provide most of what you need from Paizo proper.
Paizo: Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Pathfinder Unchained, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Campaign, Weapon Master's Handbook, Occult Adventures
Silver Games LLC: Ponyfinder Campaign Setting, Tribes of Everglow, Griffons of Everglow
Everyman Gaming: Everyman Unchained: Monk Archetypes I & II.
House Rules of Note
1. Players are allowed to have their characters meet canon characters from the show, even interacting with them, but are not allowed to be related or in relationship with such NPCs.
2. Characters of evil alignment will not be allowed, and certain classes/archetypes may well have negative stigmatism attached to them such as necromancers and witches along with priests of certain deities.
3. The use of dark magic is strictly forbidden by Equestran law with few being allowed to even study it. Dark magic counts all magic with the evil descriptor and necromancy in general as well as potentially other spells under Dungeon Master's discretion. Use of dark magic will slowly corrupt and turn evil or insane a character, no matter how good their intentions may be. Anyone caught using dark magic will be apprehended/pursued by authorities, such as the royal guard, and if caught imprisoned.
4. Currently there are six races that will not being allowed as choices for players from the Ponyfinder Campaign Setting are currently as follows: Chaos Hunter, Bat Ponies, Anteans, Tribe of Bones, Phoenix Wolves, Sun Cats.
5. Leadership as a feat is banned, though if I am able to acquire Ultimate Charisma this could change… Kind of. This resource makes Leadership into a feature for all characters, its own subsystem of rules that won't throw of a campaign or setting. In addition it turns Antagonize, Feint, and such into workable combat strategies.
6. Rules involving weight limits, spell component requirements, and spells per day will be enforced. If you are a spellcaster, I advise that you avoid using all your spells too quickly because you will not always be able to rememorize or rest during the day so as to use them again.
7. These house rules may be added to at anytime but I will bring such changes to the attention of players and discuss with them why such additions or changes are being made. If players feel any of the house rules above are unfair, they can vote against them.
Additional Note: Since we are starting everyone at level 5, it can be assumed everyone' characters are already adventurers of fair skill and decent reputation who have already completed or been a part of other adventures. Of importance, is the plot hook/idea of a 'Quest Board' I will be using for convenience and to allow players options in the direction they want to take the campaign.
I have an overall plot line planned for this campaign, but starting out I think more general or basic small adventures may be a good way of getting everyone on the same page and learn the setting. It may even be possible the campaign goes in a completely different direction then planned, though I hope that what I may offer will be of interest to each of you.
Before I make my character, there are a few things I need to know - mainly, the setting and my ability scores. I have a few different concepts in mind, but which one I use will depend on the stats I get. The real thing I need to know is the setting of the game. Is this Equestria from the show? Is this a darker version of that? Or is there a big departure from the show? When does this take place? During one of the seasons? During the past, or an alternate future? Are there the Mane Six, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna still/now? What about Discord, is he an evil villain, a reformed yet slightly-untrustworthy friend, or the embodiment of Chaos as Pathfinder knows its meaning? No matter what the answers, though, I am still interested in playing, so I will begin work on my character, starting with Ability Scores. Since there is no keep/drop or reroll 1s, I am rolling an extra set of 5d6 for each. The first 1 of each set will be replaced by the first die of its pair, the second 1 of each set replaced by the second die of each pair, etc.
It is the Equestria from the show, though given how this will be using the Pathfinder system there are also a few departures.
On to the rest of your questions, there will be differences in the timeline. For example Discord isn't reformed, or more if he was he later went back to his old ways, and is the embodiment/spirit of Chaos. In Ponyfinder, in my campaign, Discord is Chaotic Evil in alignment though given how he also strictly forbids his worshipers from harming followers of Fluttershy something still did happen between the two of them.
There is also Tirek, who has his own worshipers and called the Bound Thief. As such he too would player his part... Yet Twilight ascending to alicornhood hasn't happened. She is still a unicorn.
Perhaps the Bound Thief's followers will have a plan of releasing their god from his prison. With this would be other cults, in which the worshipers try to bring their deity to power. Nightmare being reborn, Discord who would be barred from enterting Equestria. There are a few plots that could be going on during the campaign.
One whether or not it will be darker, perhaps even more grim... Maybe a bit though no higher then the equivalent of a PG rating. I want it to be a blend of what you would find on MLP:FiM and Pathfinder, while still mostly having the uplifting and optimistic feel of the series.
Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure is MLP:FIM, but with differences. No alicornhood ascension, no Discords reform or if he was it didn't last, and with not every adventur taking place at or near Ponyville. The Twilight and friends travel Equestria as high level adventurers, even at times beyond, though also return home to Ponyville often. They are not deities themselves but they have gained followers and are treated as Paragons of Harmony who can in a sense 'grant' domains, though it is more simply that those domains represent the beliefs surrounding the 'Six Virtues' of Harmony.
Celestia, Luna, Cadance, even Starswirl exist in this campaign though as deities, as to is there Nightmare, Chrysalis, Discord, and Tirek. All the characters of the show could make an appearance in the campaign as NPCs or in such cases as above deities.
On rolling your stats I would perhaps ask you wait until we have other players since I want everyone to use the same method. If when you do roll and are using the 4d6 or 5d6, you reroll/roll again once you see you have 1s and/or 2s. Edited: Thomaslee on 31st Jan, 2016 - 5:28pm
Um...ach... Why is the font Comic Sans? This is My Little Pony, not Undertale. When anything except Undertale uses Comic sans....
*i have a bone to pick with it
Anyways, thank you for the information. This is very helpful to me, and I'm sure it is helpful to everybody.
Also, there is a Create Role-playing Game Character but no Create Associated Role-playing Game Character... Edited: starshield on 31st Jan, 2016 - 6:08pm
That was an interesting change of font, and funny reference to Undertale. Also you're very welcome, I am glad that I could be of help explaining my campaign a bit more.
I'm fine with either rolling method. If Starshield prefers the 5d6 reroll ones, that's fine with me.
I'm picturing a medic type character with a caduceus cutie mark, doctor's coat, and a mirror strapped to their forehead/horn, depending if I go with unicorn or earth pony.
Party healer/decent pony. Not fond of violence, but tries to find intelligent solutions to dangerous situations. Bit of a worry wort.
I'll explore options a bit to see if I can come up with a good non-divine healer.
Corinthi, I would suggest you look up the Alchemist archetype called Chirurgeon as that could give what you're looking for. Wont be quite as powerful when it comes to healing as a Cleric or Oradin, Paladin/Oracle multiclass with Life mystery, but it will give you your basic concept without being a divine caster.
For your concept, though your going for an appearance much like that of a doctor, I think it is fair to say that he would have clothing more appropriate for an adventuring life.
Since we currently have only the two of you, if you are both in agreement for rolling you may do so now. I will update my Rules so that it is just 5d6 reroll 1s, since that is what has been chosen.
Also, if you get a terrible set of rolls I won't force you to play a 'crippled' character. If your rolls equal under 20 points via point buy or more then two rolls are under 7 I will let you reroll. Edited: Thomaslee on 31st Jan, 2016 - 7:07pm