Strangest person in the Town
Strangest person in town. Well that would be the old man I saw today when I was at the inn. To see him walking in like he is looking for someone or something then leaving again after looking about without saying anything can be a bit strange. I do hope that who ever or what ever he is looking for he does find it or them. I would hate to see him wandering about the whole of the town looking for what ever he is looking for. I Guess if I knew what he was looking for I could try to help him. Just need to figure out where he is and where he has gone. I did not think to ask him before he left. Then again maybe he does not need or want help. See this is what causes all of this to be strange. One can wonder just what is going on with him. Maybe I will see him about later.
Thoughts on Lady Fluke
Thoughts on Lady Fluke. Well I do not know here that well. I am not sure I want to know her that well either. I guess one can say she is a ok person but I would be one to want to stay on a friendly like passerby terms and not one to get to know her much better. Do not get me wrong as I say this because everyone has a job to do and I am sure she does hers quite well. I just would prefer to not be on the wrong side of her job.
Everyone has a purpose in life and as long as she does her thing and I do my thing and we see each other only in passing I will be much happier. I do hope for the best for her and that her days are light and not over worked.
The Politics of The Town
The Politics of the Town. I have been finding that the politics of any town whether good or bad can have a serious effect on the people in that town. Even people visiting the town can be effected in a good or negative fashion by how they are treated and looked upon. This can cause the town to prosper or to wilt.
If a town is wilting because of bad people in positions of power you will soon be attracting nothing but bad people and soon you will have a band of thieves in a town ruling with a heavy hand. many people will be smart and move away but some will not be allowed to move away and will be forced to stay there and do things for the people in power.
If a town is growing and prospering it will grow to be a nice place to visit and a great place to be. People will flock to the town to help it prosper more and more and soon you have a nice city with most of the people being great people. The rulers or the city will see that its people are well cared for and have what they need to help them prosper more. This brings in more money and taxes to the city so it can make everyone safer. But with any area of people you will have those that will be wanting to take from others and not do anything to prosper wanting to let others do it and then take from them. So it is a must to have a nice guard force to keep the majority happy and safe from these people.
At what age will I be Ruler?
At what age will I be Ruler? Well that is a good question. I would say right now at the age of 16 I am a ruler. I rule myself for now and soon as I gain experience along with honor and glory I will soon start to rule others. Once that happens I can really be called a ruler. I can see that happening before I turn 25.
Once I am ruling over others I hope that I am good and just in all that I do for my people. I want them to know that I care for them and want them to grow and be prosperous. That in turn will help me be a better ruler and all will be grand in my lands.
I know that it is not all going to be roses so I will have to make sure I have a strong well trained army that will protect me and my people. Keep others from wanting to attack me as they will find themselves hurting a lot more than they will hurt me. Thus I will well on my way to being Ruler of Kings.
Thoughts on death in battle
Thoughts on death in battle. Well I for one do hope that I live long enough that I do not die in battle. If I die in battle it would be very hard for me to be a Ruler of kings. This is something I highly wish to be and dying in battle just does not fit in that equation. I guess if there is a good healer close by I could get struck down and then the healer helps fix me up so I do not die. Maybe something like that happening can be good for my troops moral. To see their leader get struck down then a few minutes later he gets back up and fights again. Maybe they will thing I am a bit immortal and can not be killed on the field of battle. I believe then the moral of my troops will be very high and they will fight with much renewed vigor and I will be triumphant and never die in battle.
Strange woman that appears in my dreams
Strange woman that appears in my dreams. I believe she is the dream whisperer she is a strange woman of undetermined race and age. She always seems to be in my dreams and always seems to be talking to me asking me to write stuff down. She is a interesting person to say the least and I think she is helping me in her own way how to be a better person and then maybe a better ruler. I know she seems to be exotic and I find myself looking forward to seeing her in my dreams. I would like to learn more about her. Maybe as time goes along I will learn more about her and where she lives so I can meet her in person. Maybe she can be a oracle for me to assist in my rule as Ruler of Kings.
Town Thieves Guild
Town Thieves Guild while I do not believe they should be here or operate in the town there are some who feel that they provide a service to the town. A black market. A way to gamble. A training center for some arts that are best left unsaid. All in all I guess as long as the majority of people find a use for them being in the town I guess I can look the other way.
It is just that fact that many turn and look away that can help the thieves prosper. If I had it my way I would rid the town of the thieves if I could. Yeah I know it can never be successful but allowing a guild of thieves to flourish is not always right in my book. We do not need thieves training our children to be thieves. They are not learning to be a productive member of the town. They take from the middle class people who work hard for what they have and makes their lives harder than it needs to be. That is why I do not believe they should be allowed to be in the town.
Town Temple of Solace
Town temple of Solace is a nice place to visit. It has training available as well as help you heal your wounds. Being able to go in and be at peace with yourself as you reflect on yourself and the choices you have made in your life. This is a place to go to help you get yourself more centered and back on the right path that you wish to be following in life. The people in there to talk to that can help guide you in the path that you wish to follow too. All in all it is a nice place to visit.
I hope that continued visits to the temple will aid me in my quest. I want the people to know that I am here to help them as much as they are here to help me. If the temple goers see me here regularly and know that I have their best interest at heart and in mind they will be there for me to help guide me on my goal to be the Ruler of Kings.