Toyota to add solar panels to some Prius hybrids
Toyota plans to install solar panels on some Prius hybrids in its next remodeling, responding to growing demand for "green" cars amid record-high oil prices, a source said.
Like the hybrid car just a political flag for the company to wave and say oh my aren't we grand. Instead of patting each other on the back and wasting huge amounts of dollars on an item that will do nothing for any one but look pretty revamp your fuels delivery systems end to end them we might see some positive results!
I detest companies that just wave a green flag with no real substance to back it up.
I agree I am tired of all these car companies telling they can not do this or that but they are already doing just that in another country. Chevy recently said that they could not build a car that runs on natural gas. But they are selling a car that runs on natural gas over seas. Ford says it can not make a vehicle that runs on pure ethanol but they sall these vehicles to Brazil. I am getting so tired of all this.
I am with you on that Klar. I also see more places in the states offer retrofits on motors to convert them to different fuels aftermarket now also. I am wary of such things as retrofits never work the same as a motor that is designed to run that fuel from the start. I had hoped Toyota KIA Hyundai or Honda would step out of that North American mold. Perhaps this is a baby step to open more doors later.