Reflections on your mother
This is a topic I first wrote about when I started and now I am being asked again. As I lead armies towards victory now I wish my mother could see me. I would let her know I was on my way… on the way to being the Ruler of Kings.
Let me telleth thee the story of how I killed a Merchant Bodyguards. The Merchant Bodyguards attacked and with my skills I killed it. That was the end of the Merchant Bodyguards. Like my story?
Being a Warlord
Although I am a warlord I have not done much with the leading of my clan now that I have armies to command. I am also busy trying to raise the gold to maintain my armies than worry over the trivial matters of my clans needs. That probably will have a negative effect on my future just like my relationships so I will probably need to make some changes.
Choosing A General
I have been accurate in my choice of generals. When choosing I look for someone loyal. Loyalty is far more important than their skill otherwise they can win battles for themselves and not for you! Then I look at their abilities to ensure they have the right footing. These are the things I do when choosing a general.