Valentine's Night
Is Valentine's Day really more about what will happen in Valentine's Night?
I am sure that some will put more effort into a nice valentines day so that later in private there are some sheets gettings all messed up and the bed springs are getting a workout. I believe that having a nice relaxing day with the one you love and showing that love is all that you to do. A nice card and some items she fancies is always good too.
Well Valentine's "Day" refers to the entire day and not just daylight hours just as Christmas Day refers to the whole day. I bet couples will be anxious to come home from work to be with each other if the situation permits.
For me the Valentine's DAY is all about the cute stuff, you know like giving the cards, eating the candy and then Valentine's NIGHT is all the stuff you won't want your parents around for
Aaah... The magic of Valentine's Day! How many memories, and headaches. Now everything is different. No more crazy inventions, giant bouquets of expensive flowers and, most of all, no need anymore to spend several weeks only to plan a single, special day. Do I sound relieved? Honestly, is the opposite: I miss it. Now is not as important as it was: a candle-light dinner and that's it, always checking if the kid is sleeping while having a conversation about how much money we already put aside for paying the bills. "How much did you spend for all those roses?", will be the question. To which I'll promptly answer: "Don't worry. Still much less than for my beers".