Black & White Photography vs. Color
Certain effects are created by using colors and shades. I would even dare to say that using shades may be even more important. That is where good lighting comes in, but this thread is not about shades, we are talking about colors here. Which would you prefer to take your photograph in? Color or black and white? Why?
Definetly I prefer Black and White pictures. It looks so much professional!!!! and most of the recognized model agencies in the world they will ask you for W&B pictures...but again the film for those kind of pics are more expensive than the normal one so I guess that's why only professional photographers use it with the models so often.
since b/w seems to be more old fashioned. |
I love black and white photography. If you look at any photography books with war or history themes, the black and white pics help tell the story more than the coloured pics.
I think it also works in portfolios. One of my cousins did a portfolio, one in colour and another in black and white. In my opinion, the pics in colour didn't do her justice. I think the colours acted as a distraction to her beauty.
I like using both b&w and color. It depends on what you are taking a picture of and what kind of mood you are trying to create. If I'm looking a textures and shadows, I would use b&w. If I were trying to capture the innocence of a child, either would work, but I can feel more emotion when there is color in his cheeks.
As a professional photographer we use B&W to isolate a subject, as somethings photographed in color, you are overwelmed by all the colors your eyes are seeing.
An Ansel Adams landscape print would not have as much impact when photographed in color! Headshots also are normally submited in B&W. for the same reasons. To bring attention to the person and not color of the shirt or top the person is using.