There are always two sides of a story, wether they be wrong or right, and so I thought, instead of just discussing the Doctrinal aspects, why don't we look at a controlled group that is striving to live plural relationships and see what comes of it.
Basically the group in Canada was formed when:
Perhaps polygamy will some day enjoy the same sort of "vogue" that homosexuality currently has. Isn't it interesting that to be gay was once considered a mortal sin, but in today's culture, it's artsy and fashionable? I can see the same thing in a limited way with this story.
I doubt Plural Marriage will ever become vogue or even a fad because without the necessary guidance / controls there is a lot of room for abuse, jealousy and lust. The other thing is that a Polygamist male does not look or behave in any particular way as opposed to a male in a monogamist relationship (just to show why being gay can be considered 'artsy' as you put it, then again correct me if I am wrong).
I believe if it (Polygamy) does gain popularity it will be because there are people looking to belong to something that makes them feel protected and wanted. In other words, if someone, a female in this instance, is searching for a social / spiritual / psychological outlet and she comes across a Polygamist group with an element of religion in it then she may decide to join. With that said we can see that one of the number one negatives brought up with these kinds of groups is abuse. Now to blame this on a Plural relationship is wrong since there are MANY men abusing their children and wives every day. The problem is how do you SELECT a man WORTHY of Plural marriage?
Polygamists in Bountiful, B.C., say they're being persecuted by the RCMP and federal immigration officials.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20.../bountiful.html
Attorney General Wally Oppal has asked for yet another review of whether members of a B.C. polygamist colony should be charged with sexual offences.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/...gamy-oppal.html
Polygamous leaders arrested in Canada
Two leaders of polygamous groups have been arrested in Canada, the Deseret News has learned. One of the wives of former Fundamentalist LDS Church leader Winston Blackmore confirmed his arrest. "It's for polygamy," she said, declining to give her name but telling the Deseret News she was one of Blackmore's wives. "They're talking to him right now and say he could come home tonight."
Ref. Source 7
Now this is where I get so confused by our fearless leaders here. They claim it is ok for a homosexual to marry then they get their dander up about a group like this. To me I see no difference in the two sectors of human relations as long as we put aside the Holy bible as a nice fairy story.
If we are to be fair to all then why not let them be as long as the people getting "Married" are of age and are consenting.
I hope they never do cave into them I just think it is the same double standard being applied here as it was with gay marriages.