Seen this on Sunday. Do not believe all the reviewers trashing the film. If you love comic book movies this was a very good romp. I would give this movie a solid B. Yes, there was plot holes, and a few scenes felt like they were missing a small lead in. Forgiving that I felt like I did not was $20 for my wife and I to pay to watch this move. I truly hope this movie cruises to make 400 to 500 million dollars so it can get a sequel.
I enjoyed the movie. I think in the time frame they had they did a decent job. A lot more could be said about the development of the characters because it went very quickly to the point you have to be a very good speed reader to get it all. But over all the movie was good. I would see it again.
I was wondering how they were going to work in getting bad guys making up a Suicide Squad to do the right stuff… that part of the story didn't make sense to me and was weak but the rest of the movie was entertaining.