International Discussions Newsletter 12-13 July, 2016
Hello Reader,
A. Of recent there have been a lot of shootings in the USA in what some are calling "White Police Against Blacks". There are a number of cases that are being covered and different takes on the resolution of this situation. What is your take? Check the Threads here: Laws, Security & Justice
B. Still working on Ruler of Kings and adding new features daily. Don't wait for the first quest only to have your Character die because you did not build him / her up. Make sure to get your Character prepared. Begin now: ROK II Role-playing Game
C. The Chief Moderator, also an activist, was featured in the newspapers today! Read the article and comment: Autism Parents Association Of Trinidad & Tobago - Page 2 of 2
D. For those of you who will like to monetarily support our work in the Community we have a Membership special running right now, please check it on the Donate page. No worries, if times are hard, your input into our Topics are a great help too - thank you!
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