Jason, there will be some additional threads being setup for character creation and general discussions.
For now, posting interest here is the first step. Sit tight more details to come.
In the mean time with the Player's Handbook, begin reading through the chapters on Character Generation and start composing an idea on your race, background and class.
Plenty O' Room Paul. Please see my post before yours. Forums/Threads will be posted soon for General Play, Support, and Character Generation.
Character Generation will be from the Player's Handbook (PHB) and once the Character Generation thread is open, we begin posting character ideas and establish them within that forum/thread.
I tried to add this information to the Support thread, but it made the post too long so I couldn't post it there. But once the opening post of the support thread is opened up for editing I may be able to add it there so that setting information can be updated as the game progesses.
Character Creation is up.
Aericsteele, wouldn't that info go in the Main Game Thread as it sets the scene? Of course you can put it anyway you like but I do need you to establish a Main Thread first so I can append the other two to it. You can start with something simple for now if you don't have the info yet as you will be able to edit it later. Thanks.
I had considered placing that information in the Main thread but I also thought that if setting information needed to be updated or expanded I would want it to be in the opening post of the support thread so that I could edit the post as needed.
I will put something basic on the Main thread since some of the intro may be dependent on the characters that are involved. I should have something up within the next hour or so.
I understand, anyway you like, however do note that once it has Role-playing Game status you will have unlimited edits for any of the opening Posts of your game. If I did not code it that way it surely will be added since rules / policies can always change for any one of those Threads. I've also increased Post length in case you need it.