Don't worry guys. Zinna is bringing Oomigig to "Help". I can't wait until the two groups meet up *smile* It should be interesting to see how they react to each other. Maybe we will have an orc and gnome join the group.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 12th Jan, 2017 - 3:44pm
Staggered by the fangs of the spider, Corren's breathing is a bit ragged when he reaches his friends, only to see them facing another of the spider-&-rider foes. He is thrilled to see Leo knock the rider from it, and apparently kill it. But the spider is still a threat, and he knows the one that attacked him will be right behind him. He drops the glowing stone and says to Carrick, "Another one right behind me… " and does his best to melt into the shadows created by the stone and torch. Once the pair chasing him arrive he intends to strike from behind.
Out of Character: : Bonus Action to Hide, then attack, hopefully with Advantage, or at least getting Sneak Attack damage.
Ok, so quick "Above table" question that could lead to an in game conversation, but was the spider taking Malek away your way of letting us know that he probably isn't playing anymore? The reason I ask, again this part can be discussed in game, is that I placed hunters mark on that particular spider and thus can easily track him down for at least an hour, and because it did not die, I was not able to transfer it to any of the other foes, not that we really needed it. As well as Mradoric stating something about trying to go after him and his captor.
The original plan was for the spiders to try a hit and run on the party, perhaps carrying off one at a time, and with Malek's involvement being sporadic he ended up presenting a good opportunity to see if a threat to the character would prompt a response. It's up to the party whether they want to pursue the spider or not. We'll see if Delgar responds, if not we may never know what happens to Malek.