A request to update the SRD has been submitted to admin. A Rulings and House Rules section has been added where I will try to keep up with any rules interpretations, additions, or modifications made during the course of the game. Herbs, Medicines, and Disease has been updated. Player Contributions has also been updated.
I feel like I may have missed some things, particularly when it comes to the Rulings and House Rules section so please let me know if you find anything missing or inaccurate.
I think I may need to rely on spells that she doesn't have to roll to attack with. That's the point with warlock though is eldritch blast. We are already very short with 4 characters. It doesn't help to make it 3.5 characters. Hopefully she shot herself with that ray. .
Kyr, you have not been blessed with very good dice rolls throughout this adventure, and even in Daishain's game it seems as though the dice conspire against you sometimes. It has been my experience though that whatever your build your character to be good at, that's where the dice are going to fail you every time. The Robin Hood type archer always seems to miss even the most simple shots… the Conan The Barbarian type fails the strength checks to bust down the door, and the Bard never seems to know anything about that strange inscription nor can they inspire a tavern full of simple peasants with their performances. This has been true for me whether I was using an embedded dice roller or actually rolling physical dice….
Edited: Aericsteele on 28th Apr, 2017 - 7:53pm