![Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
Leo moves to finish the last warrior.
(Assuming he downs it) "Use the doorframe for cover." With those words, Leo charges forward and a little to the side, trying to get in place to assault the skeletal archers without impeding the fire of his allies.
Out of Character: I've been forgetting GWF rerolls, latter half of damage rolls take effect if first are 1or2.
With a final swing of his glaive Leo finishes off the last warrior in the corridor and then, stepping over the mound of bones and skeletal remains he moves up to take partial cover behind the door frame. That area of the corridor where the bones are piled up counts as difficult terrain as whoever moves through it tries not to trip or stumble on the numerous remains of the skeletal warriors.
Initiative: Zinna (22), Skeletons(22), Corren(4), Leo(3), Mradoric.
Mradoric will use his movement to close with the skeleton archers. I will roll some saving throws for his dexterity. Hope that allows him to not trip over anything. Once he closes he will attack.
Out of Character: His monk ability allows him to deflect or catch missiles. IF he succeeds he reduces damage by 1d10 +Dexterity mod + monk level Thus 1d10 +6.
Mradoric bounds over the pile of bones and moves into the chamber; he is upon the nearest skeletal warrior as it is preparing to draw back its bow to fire at him, but he interrupts this with a wing of his quarterstaff which cracks the skeleton on the side of the head with a loud clang as it dents the rusted metal helmet that the warrior wears. The skeleton staggers back and the arrow flies off into the darkness of the chamber. Mradoric kicks as part of his unarmed strike but his foot catches only air.
The skeletons are basically lined up about twenty five feet or so away from Leo, so I believe Leo would be able to get to them and use an attack action on his turn assuming he doesn't get tripped up by the pile of bones he's made.
Initiative: Zinna (22), Skeletons(22), Corren(4), Leo(3), Mradoric.
Zinna's mouth curves back in an almost feral grin. She is very much enjoying this. " The nice thing about undead is that they don't run. This is good target practice really. " Moving up behind Sir Leo again she makes sure to have an open shot then the green beam hisses out again towards the previous skeleton that she targeted. She then sings out a song of grim justice towards Sir Leo, granting him bardic inspiration.
Specific Action: She launchs Eldritch Bolt towards the previous target as her action and bardic inspiration for Sir Leo as her bonus action. Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Apr, 2017 - 6:54pm
Zinna's eldritch bolt goes high again and sails harmlessly past the skeleton. The skeleton that Mradoric attacked disengages and takes a step back while drawing another arrow and letting it loose at Mradoric. Mradoric responds by bringing his staff up to deflect the missile and sends it spiraling away. Another skeleton moves to Mradoric' left flank and fires into him but the arrow slides past the monks chest and clatters against the wall. The skeleton to Mradorics ten o'clock moves up and turns to fire an arrow into the corridor at Leo which finds its way past Leo's defenses and causes 6hp in piercing damage. The remaining skeleton is in front of Leo moves back about ten feet and fires at the paladin but the arrow misses by a significant margin.
Initiative: Zinna (22), Skeletons(22), Corren(4), Leo(3), Mradoric.
Leo charges in, moving to engage a different archer than Mradoric and Corren
Out of Character: I thought we'd established that Leo had already moved past the main bone pile treating it as difficult terrain. If not, making a Dexterity save. Edited: daishain on 27th Apr, 2017 - 12:36pm