![Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
The elf cries out in pain as Grohg tries to bandage the wounds. The barbarian does the best he can but it does little to staunch the bleeding and he has seen these types of injuries before. Without magic the wounds are likely mortal. Grohg has seen men become feverish, as this elf seems to be, and die painful deaths after receiving similar wounds to the abdomen.
The elf looks at Grohg again, attempting to focus but struggling to do so as he breathes heavily "Cel… Cel..O..dhill" he mutters in response to Grohg's query. "Fool… Carrick… Zinnathrya"
As the moments pass the elf does appear to be regaining his senses to some degree and is eventually able to focus on Grohg though he remains in obvious pain and his breathing continues to be labored. Grohg can see that as the elf's eyes focus on him he gives a look that suggests he is more aware but still somewhat confused.
"Human?... Here?... Go back… not safe here. Bloody Axe… Illiosani." Edited: Aericsteele on 11th May, 2017 - 9:56pm
"Not sure you can… " Celodhil groans "... Help me, unless… Zinnathrya or Leo… " the elf points a shaky finger to the vine covered opening in the wall.
"Find them… they can… help but" He shakes his head and grimaces in pain "No… too dangerous, go back to Clear Creek. Illiosani will be back. It's not safe for a human, they will kill you"
Celodhil grits his teeth as he tries to place his hand in a fold of his leather armor but cries out in pain again and cannot seem to reach what he trying to collect "A stone" he breathes "Whisper stone… in there. Get it for me… please"
Leo opens his eyes, and takes a look around to confirm all is well. Then he stretches and begins the laborious process of putting on his armor. "Looks like the night went quietly enough, any guesses on what this crazy place will throw at us next? Thank you all for stopping to rest, that last blow really took it out of me."
As Zinna rouses from sleep she hears Celodhil's voice in her head "Carrick is dead… I will be soon as well. Oomigig is gone. Illiosani will be back. There is a human here… Grohg… friend."
Celodhil finishes talking into the stone and then goes limp, still breathing heavily from the strain. He looks to Grohg. "If elves come before I die, do not let them take me" he pleads "You must kill me; don't let them take me!"
Zinna starts up from her sleep looking terrified. " I've got to go. I've got to go. " Tears stream down her cheeks. " Carrick. Celodhil. Must help them. " She grabs her wand and races off. Zinna will retrace their steps and go to where they entered. She runs with no concern for stealth. Speed is what matters right now.