Watching Corren's reaction to being healed she laughs. Zinna notices him blush and smiles. " I can heal you or put you to sleep. You had best be nice to me. " She winks at Corren. Nodding at Corren when he mentions questioning the goblins she turns towards Roland. "This should be entertaining Sir Knight."
Noticing the goblins waking up she walks over to them. Hearing them speak frantically in an unknown language to her causes a smirk to appear on her face. " who sent you and where did you come from?" She asks the two goblins hoping they can understand. Neither respond in a language she understands. " well I guess we should make sure." She puts her boot heel on one of the goblin's hands and starts pressing down. After hearing the goblin scream and still not speaking in common she sighs. " Roland, I don't guess they speak common. Can you speak goblin?" She looks at him hopefully and removes her boot from the creature's hand.
Roland kept watching over the goblins, so he immediately noticed when they wake up.
Then he crouch next to him and says I'm orcish: <<"This is going to be fast and painless if you cooperate, understood? Let's start with something easy… What were you doing here?">>
While Zinna and Roland do their best to get something useful out of the goblins, Corren comes out of the house and says, "Nothing inside. If the folks were here when this patrol struck, they got away or were taken without bloodshed. Carrick, Mradoric, I'd like a full report, please. Did you learn anything during your journey here? Did you see anything besides these goblins and orc? And why exactly did you press an attack without us? Were you seen by them?"
Carrick will give a search around the barn with Mradoric, leaving Roland and Zinna to the Goblins as directed by Corren.
Out of Character: investigation check below
After coming out of the barn, Carrick will regroup with the others, giving Corren a rundown of what he and the monk found within.
Replying to Corren's question, hearing the frustration in his voice,
"Aye, er, well 'bout that. Ye see, as we be creepin' up on th' stead," Carrick looks over at the young monk then continues, "I may 'ave, er, thought I be more hidden than I actually be an' gotten m'self spotted."
Pointing over to the broken body of the goblin that was roosted in the barn window, "Prob'ly that'n there. Bein' honest, I be better at crawlin' 'round th' forest than these here open fields."
Carrick stifles a little chuckle seeing as Corren isn't that amused, continues, "Ah, 'nyhow, next thin' we know, Mradoric an' I see th' bigger oaf start barkin' to th' lit'le ones an' they all start drawin' weapons. At this point, seein' that th' bugg'rs 'ave horses an' could be upon us b'fer we could get to cover, I launched an arrow at th' horses to take 'em out of th' picture. It was at this point that I looked over to th' young monk an' told 'em to gather what ev'r strength he could muster, give a lit'le prayer to Th' Maker an' we might get outta this alive."
Carrick looks over to see if Mradoric is listening, and back to Corren. "Then, s'pposin' He heard that prayer, ye three came chargin' in." Letting his words sink in a bit, Carrick finishes, "Ah, so, that be what happened. I messed up, that be true. But, we do 'ave some potential leads now, if'n Zinna an' Roland can get 'em talkin'."
Carrick gives a slight grin, hoping Corren buys the "Slanted" truth of the events he just gave.
Edited: Brandonfett on 29th Aug, 2016 - 4:49am
After looking for herbs Mradoric will approach Corran. "When we got close I could see figures moving about. As we got closer I saw that these small creatures were ransacking the house and barn taking everything they could. I chose at that time that I would not allow them to clear out a homestead at their leisure. I did not try to hide or scout but boldly walked towards them. My actions exposed us all but I felt it was justified. If you would rather I leave this group I will understand."
Carricks eyes widen a bit as Mradoric speaks up and tries to cut him off before he finishes, "Ah, fer th' love of Th' Make… "
He squints at Mradoric and returns his attention to Corren, "Look, th' lad be just miss-rememberin' th' 'xact details of who did what when." The dwarf gives a firm slap on the human monk's back and glares up at him while continuing, "One can eas'ly get lost in th' midst of bat'le. Th' one thin' he ain't got confus'd is when we did start off toward th' fight an' that be th' lad's brav'ry. That he definit'ly had 'bout him!"
Carrick looks quickly back to Corren, "So, th' lass healed you up then, did she? Seems Mr. Gant chose th' right lit'le group aft'r all, eh?" And then Carrick gives a muffled laugh.
Corren shuts is eyes for a few moments and takes a deep breath, holds it then exhales. He opens his eyes and turns to Mradoric. "Thank you for your honesty. But in the future, please think it through. If no lives were immediately in danger, the smart thing to do would be to follow them and find out where they are based. Maybe we could learn more that way. Now this patrol will be missed, and the enemy will more likely be on their guard. It was an ill-advised thing to do, though understandable. And for the record, I want you to stay with the group."
He then turns to Carrick. "Carrick, I completely understand you wanting to cover for Mradoric's actions. But don't do it again. If I don't think I can trust you to tell me the truth in this sort of situation, then when can I trust you? Yes, you both fought bravely, and well at that. But now we may have less time than we did before. Carrick, get out there and see if you can find a trail these foul creatures left coming here, so you can backtrack them."
He then turns to Zinna and Roland to see if they have gotten anything out of the prisoners.
The goblins seem to understand what Roland is telling them and they begin yammering in response, talking in goblin at first but when Roland barks at them to speak orc they do so, though they seem to struggle a little bit, speaking in broken sentences. They tell Roland that they had been led by the orc, against their will of course, to the farmstead where they had intended to raid the place. They weren't going to hurt the humans that lived here, unless Grolack (The Orc) commanded it because he is so much bigger and stronger than they are, he really was a bully and they are victims of circumstance you see.
They wouldn't have had a choice if Grolak told them to do something, they have to do it. Fortunately the farmstead was vacant so they just went about taking what they describe as abandoned property which of course is yours now considering Grolack is dead at your hands.
The investigation of the barn reveals nothing out of ordinary other than the fact that it appears to be in a similar state as the previous farm in that it appears to have been unattended for a few days perhaps. The wagon and the horse attached to it look as though they belong to the farm. It does seem as though the goblins were engaging in some form of 'crime of opportunity'