Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread - Page 21 of 150

Mradoric offers to ride in the back of the - Page 21 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 1st Sep, 2016 - 4:45pm

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Post Date: 30th Aug, 2016 - 7:53am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
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Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread - Page 21

An hint of frustration appears beneath the stern face of Roland, turning briefly towards his companions: "They have nothing to do with this, they were just pillaging this empty farm".
Then facing the goblin again he says: "Good, good… are you the only raiding band around here? Where are you from?"

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30th Aug, 2016 - 2:20pm / Post ID: #
Carrick Granitebranch
Ranger 3
Lieutenant / Scout
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

The Scout of the Deep Wilds says...

After grumbling something in Dwarvish, Carrick says, "Aye! I be sure it won't be too difficult. Don't 'ppear they be tryin' to be sneaky 'bout th' operation." Then he starts off to scout the area for tracks when he here's what Roland says the goblin is saying, "An' ye b'lieve 'em? 'Course th' ov'r grown vermin be tellin' ye they be victims in all this too! We got 'em tied up an' th' rest of their lit'le raidin' party dead on th' ground!"
Carrick looks back to Corren, "Let's not be 'ssumin' nothin' til we can find where they be hold up an' see fer ourselves!"
The dwarf then leaves to do as asked.

Out of Character: If my searching the area leads me to track into the surrounding forests, add another +2 to my roll for my "Natural explorer" perk. If not, then just the roll as is.

Carrick Granitebranch Results:
  • Survival (tracking) on D20 (+4): 5 (1 roll)

Post Date: 30th Aug, 2016 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Myadoric looks at Corrin, "Due to the fog and all the noise I heard as we approached the place I was not sure what was going on if it was just the farmers and their kids or something else. By the time we got close enough to see what was going on I thought they may be doing something harmful to the farmers and wanted to stop them. I did not want to turn around and wait for back up if someone's life was at stake."

Post Date: 30th Aug, 2016 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
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Page 21 Thread Main RPG e Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Zinna looks at Roland and shakes her head. " I don't believe this filth for a minute. They have to be connected to these disappearances. There is no way they randomly chose a farm this close to town. One that the people had already been taken from. I think they know about what is happening. They might not have done it but they are following in the aftermath of whoever did it."
Zinna glares at the goblins in a fury. She glances at Corren. " Now the big question is what do we with them? Do we free them to warn others about us? Do we take them back into town and turn them over to the town guard? Do we just eliminate them? Do we make them take us to their raiding base? Maybe someone else has another idea. Those are the only options I can think of. " Zinna looks back to the empty farm and she balls her hand into a fist.

Post Date: 30th Aug, 2016 - 8:50pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Thread Main RPG e Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Corren shrugs. "We wait to see if Carrick finds anything. Then we can decide to make these little buggers lead us to their group." He sighs then adds, "I truly hope they're lying. If the truth is they were merely opportunists looting this place, then we have no other leads." He pauses, then says firmly, "If Carrick finds nothing, we take them with us and make for the final farm. Then once we have learned all we can there, we will decide their fates."

Out of Character: : In the meantime, while Carrick searches, can the rest of us get a Short Rest?

1st Sep, 2016 - 4:19pm / Post ID: #
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Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread

The Maker says...

Carricks search of the area reveals only the tracks of the goblins and the orc and these are so chaotic that he finds it difficult to really identify their specific movements. There are no other tracks though and even the raiding party's tracks fade to the point of not being able to track them back to their origin.

The goblins insist that the farmstead was empty when they arrived but they do mention that something has been stalking this area lately. They tell Roland that their raiding party had b een probing the farmsteads over the course of the past couple of weeks. On their way to this particular farm one of the goblins tells you that they saw something strange; they couldn't get a good look at it but he swears that he saw some bulbous looking thing floating quickly along the plains and it looked like it was carrying something, maybe one of the farmers?

The raiding party kept their distance though so he couldn't make out much detail other than it had a spherical head and no real body to speak of, just ropes or something hanging from the 'head.' The goblin struggles to describe what it was he saw but is clear that Grolack wanted to avoid it, whatever it was.

Out of Character: : You can take a short rest while Carrick searches.

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Post Date: 1st Sep, 2016 - 4:26pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread - Page 21

Once the group has caught its breath, Corren says, "Toss the goblins in the back of the wagon, and make sure they can't untie each other. We'll take them as we head for the last farm. Since Aves has vanished, between the horses and wagon, none of us need walk. As we get near, we can dismount and approach quietly on foot."

Post Date: 1st Sep, 2016 - 4:45pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 21

Mradoric offers to ride in the back of the wagon. "I will make sure the prisoners do not escape. What should we do with the injured one here with the head wound? Do we leave him to die or patch him up and take him with us too?"

> TOPIC: Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread


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