After not finding any reliable tracks that might lead to the where the goblins and Orc came from, Carrick will head back to the group. The dwarf notices everyone saddling up and getting ready to head on, but before he climbs on the wagon or a horse, Carrick moves toward the goblin archer's broken corpse and inspects its arrows to see if any are salvageable. Carrick then asks, "Anyone search th' big guy's body?" then heads over to the Orc and sees if there's anything to be found on him.
Afterward Carrick will climb up into the wagon and perch himself with his bow in hand and arrow at the ready.
The goblins are loaded into the wagon after the items that they had been loading are removed and returned to their proper place in the cottage and barn. Most of what the raiding party seems to have pillaged was various foodstuffs though there was a small jewelry box containing a few necklaces and earrings of little value; though there is a ruby necklace that may be worth a few gold in the container.
Searching the goblins, both live and dead, the party finds a handful of coins, mostly copper:
--12cp; 2 sp
The body of the orc contains a pouch with 8 gold pieces inside. Almost all of the coins are obviously Asendar in origin (I will leave Carrick to describe what imagery the coins have on their faces); probably taken from previous raids. Three of the gold pieces, however, appear foreign. On one side of the coin is the image of a griffon in flight while on the other side a side profile image of an elf woman wearing a crown (An insight or history skill check is required to identify the origin of the coins).
Each goblin was armed with a scimitar and short bow. You also find two plain daggers with hilts made of cracked and faded animal bone and a total of 12 usable arrows. The fletching on the arrows are dyed a dark crimson, an indicator for the members of the party that have spent any significant time in the Wilds that these goblins may belong to the Bloody Axe Tribe. The Bloody Axe Tribe is known to operate in the eastern portion of the Scolandi, though the location of their camps are unknown as they tend to be semi-nomadic. The tribe is dominated and ruled over by an orc chieftain and are believed to be responsible for numerous raids against surrounding farmsteads in the past.
Travel to the next farm is uneventful and unlike the other two farms, this one appears to be occupied. There is a thin line of smoke rising from the chimney and as the party approaches you can see several people out working the fields.
Corren looks a bit surprised. "This farm is not all that far from the others, and further out at that. Let's still keep alert. Hyah!" He once more starts the cart towards the farmhouse. As the workers take notice of them, he waves, and gestures towards the house, motioning for them to come in so they all may speak. As they near the house he appraises both the buildings, and any of the people coming towards them, looking for signs of nervousness, or anything out of place. Edited: PaulNelson on 6th Sep, 2016 - 5:19pm
Taking note of the tribe origin of the arrows, Carrick stuffs them into his quiver. Finding the orc's coin pouch, the dwarf empties its contents into his hand and finds eight gold coins. Five of the coins are the typical Asendarian minting with a profile of the emperor on one side and on the reverse a scepter with a common imperial motto circling the edges of the coin, "LOYALTY TO EMPEROR, HONOR FOR EMPIRE, BLESSED BY MAKER".
The other three coins aren't of Asendarian origin. Carrick shows the coins to Corren and Mradoric as he also looks over one of them.
Out of Character: insight below. Edited: Brandonfett on 6th Sep, 2016 - 6:27pm
Carrick examines the coins, flipping them over several times to look closely at the engravings. They seem vaguely familiar to him, like the name of an acquaintance that sits on the tip of one's tongue just out of reach until it comes to him suddenly that these coins, the ones with the elf woman's face engraved on them, likely have their origin in the great Elven city-state of Allranbel. The image on the front of the coin is probably that of Queen Cellica Thequinal and the griffon engraved on the back of the coin may represent the Elven nations official animal.
Carrick has occasionally heard of Allranbel from the friendlier Wood Elves that he has encountered in the forest; they talk of a large city made of living oak nestled deep in the Scolandi Wilds. The city is something of oddity among the elves of the Wilds as most elves are tribal in nature while the elves of Allranbel seem to have more in common with the race of man including their use of coinage. Most elf tribes continue to use barter as their primary economic practice but it is not unheard of for the less isolationist elven tribes to have in their possession the coins of Allrenbel as they do sometimes trade with the “High Elves.”
The closest tribe that Carrick would know of that may trade with Allranbel or at least have had contact with the city state is know as the Lighthair Tribe (Loosely translated); the tribe has a small permanent settlement located about eight miles southwest of Clear Creek named Durmista that the Lighthair use as something of a trading post with surrounding tribes.
As the party approaches the people in the fields, there appear to be maybe five men, make their way toward the cottage. The door to the cottage opens and a woman appears in the doorway followed by a young woman, perhaps in her late teens, and a young boy no older than three or four who stands near the older woman.
An older man with a weather beaten face that makes it difficult to gauge whether he is forty or sixty years old approaches the wagon holding a scythe that he had been using to harvest the wheat in the field. He runs the back of his hand along his forehead wiping away a layer of sweat and dirt and looks at Corren expectantly.
“What can I do for [yes/you] friend?” he says curiously.
Corren smiles and nods a greeting, then speaks loudly enough the entire group can hear him. "Good day, sir, gentlemen, ladies," he then pauses and smiles at the toddler, "And you, young man. My name is Corren, I am with the town guard at Clear Creek. These are my companions, Zinnathyra, Carrick, Mradoric and Roland. Reeve Gant tasked us to come check on several of the farms outside of town, as there have been numerous raids on farms. We found the Morris farm deserted and signs of a brief struggle. When we arrived at the Dinsmore farm not long ago we found a raiding party of goblins with one orc looting the empty buildings." He gestures at the bound prisoners. "They will trouble people no longer. But apparently someone or something else has taken the people of those farms. Now we are here, and quite relieved to see you all well. Have you had any troubles? Or seen or heard anything unusual?"
Out of Character: : Going to roll an Insight check for their reply…
Mradoric breathes a sigh of relief as he sees this farm is pretty much normal. He does eye the young lady a bit but then turns his head. She would not be interested in a loner like him plus he would want to be much more able to take care of a family before he things too much about starting one.
He turns back to watching the goblins looking for any signs of them trying to escape. He holds his staff at the ready as he watches them putting the young lady out of his mind.
Zinna notices the farm ahead and the activity. She smiles in relief. Urging her horse on she swings wide of the farm looking for anything out of the ordinary. Upon completing this she canters her horse over to the waiting group of people and arrives right behind the wagon. She studies the people standing there and waves to them with a smile as she is introduced. Zinna stays on her guard. The farm seems normal but she has seen too many strange things today to take it at face value. She studies the people as Corren speaks to them looking for anything unusual.
Specific Action: look for anything out of the ordinary near the farm and with the people gathered there.