When everyone is called to dinner Mradoric does not leave to go. It is his intent to make sure the goblins are watched and does not want them to escape or attempt to escape during a time when no one is watching them. He sits on the seat of the wagon looking back into the bed for any sign of a possibility of them trying to escape.
While there are a few scattered trees here and there the area is predominantly flat though there are some knolls or small hills surrounding the farm. As Carrick eyes the horizon he does spy some sort of movement in the distance west of the farm but is unable to make out any detail and whatever it was disappears almost as quickly as it appeared. At first glance, whatever it was did not appear to be any larger than a man but its movement seemed to be fairly quick and graceful.
The most Carrick could glean from the silhouette was that perhaps he was seeing something move across the plain and then disappear behind a slight depression in the ground.
Corren replies to the older man, "Yes, the Reeve is indeed busy. But he thinks enough to send a patrol out to investigate, and here we are. And since you have such a large family, including several sons that appear able-bodied, and you say proven against goblins. You most likely will be fine. But I am going to ask your permission for my group to apparently leave, but circle back and watch your farm tonight, to see if any trouble arises. If so, we will intervene."
After seeing whatever he saw, Carrick will approach the nearest farmhand and ask, "Ye got anyone out scoutin' th' edges of th' farm? Doin' a sweep b'fer night fall perhaps?"
Thanking Kenna and Anna for their hospitality Zenna rises and smiles. She carries her backpack and cloak outside the cottage and sets them down. Pulling her lute out she frowns remembering her previous performance. Rain is never kind to the strings. She caresses the neck of the lute for a moment and almost tears up thinking about who gave it to her.
She begins strumming it softly to see if the sound quality has improved. Nodding in satisfaction she notices Carrick peering towards the tree line and speaking with one of the sons. Curious she walks towards him playing a dwarven tune that she knew. Upon arriving by him she hears him question the farmer's son. She plays quietly while listening in.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Sep, 2016 - 1:07pm
Cormag leans back in his chair apparently thinking while he takes a few more puffs on his pipe. “Feel free” he tells Corren as he stands “I ought be getting back to work though. Give the Reeve my regards and tell him thank you for sending someone to check on us. I do hope you get to the bottom of this and that the other farmers and their families are found unharmed.”
Carrick approaches one of the young men named Manus. A twenty two year old similar in stature to his brothers though perhaps a bit shorter and more stout. “We hadn’t planned on it” he says in response to Carrick’s query “every once in awhile you have to chase off a stray goblin or two and usually they leave alone after that. To send someone off and scout the edges would mean taking someone off of the harvest. But father has made us take turns on watch throughout the night since our little run in.”
Manus eyes Zinna as she approaches and givers her a nod as she stands back playing her lute “Ma’am” he acknowledges and then returns his focus to the harvest.
Corren thanks the farmer and heads out to the others. He makes sure Mradoric has had some food, then helps gets the horses hitched to the wagon once more. He gathers the group and says, "Unless someone has a better idea, since it is getting late, we are going to head down the road as if headed back to town. Then we're going to double-back and stake out this farm. If something happens, we will take action if required. If we simply see something unusual, we will investigate, maybe follow. Now, does anyone have other ideas?"
"Sounds good to me. How far down the road are we going? What are we going to do with the prisoners so they do not give us away?"
Mradoric is glad someone brought him some of the food. He feels better knowing his belly has some food in it and the prisoners did not have a opportunity to escape. Now he can get himself ready for either more guard duty or possible patrol.