Zinna eyes him with an observing eye. She takes in his clothing and his bearing. She forces a half smile on her face. " It is a pleasure to meet you Carl. Your assessment was right. I am a bard of slight renown. " She smiles wider. Zinna takes another big drink. Them looks back to him. "Hmm I'm guessing by looking at you that you are a merchant. Maybe you have heard of the disappearances in town. I have been assisting the town in trying to solve these disappearances. Myself and a few others went outside town checking farms. Two more farms have been hit with the occupants gone. We have a witness that states they saw some sort of spherical shaped creature with tentacles carrying a human. In your travels have you seen or heard of such a thing? " Zinna looks at him closely gauging his intent and answer.
Specific Action: Insight.
Zinna’s impression of Carl is that he is first and foremost a businessman. The more the man speaks, the greater the sense Zinna gets that this is a salesman and he seems to have spied some sort of opportunity in approaching Zinna and he is perhaps probing her, maybe to determine if she would be amiable to some form of sale or business proposition.
“That is disturbing news” Carl says and his forehead furrows for a moment as he brings his index finger up to his chin and seems to ponder this information “I’ve never heard of such a creature, but I have heard from some of the locals here that this area is suffering from some disappearances. I deliver medicine you see… mostly for the loggers. A tough trade, logging is, not one I would care to engage in… obviously”
Carl gets a chuckle out of his own self deprecating humor and then continues “If anyone would have information about strange and exotic creatures I imagine it would be the Gypsies. Those little buggers have been all over the place, much to the chagrin of the settlements that house them at any given time. The problem is, they’re nomadic and you never know where they are going to be. The library in Vollandar might have some books that may be helpful as well, or perhaps someone at the Academy there could help you.”
Carl takes a sip of his wine and gently returns to the glass to the table then once again produces his handkerchief and wipes his brow with it. “The Elves too, might know something.” he pauses for a moment in thought “if you do approach any of the Elven tribes I would be willing to pay you to deliver some samples of my medicines to them. Many of the Elves are pretty picky about who they trade with but I think they could benefit from what I have to offer.”.
Zinna perks up when hearing this information. She has a thoughtful look on her face. " Our group decided to check out a den instead of going to talk to the elves. I can try to persuade them to speak wth the elves instead. That's what I preferred anyways. This is some possibly very useful information regarding the gypsies. In the event I can't change their minds I will make a trip when possible to talk with the elves. Alone if need be. I'm sure they will wish to accompany me if the pay is enough. "
Zinna smiles a winning smile at Carl. " Well, now for the now most important part of business. What would you pay for this service? It could be quite dangerous traveling through the wilds. "
"Indeed it is dangerous lass" Carl says with a smile "And I will admit that you would not be the first to make the attempt. How much gold do you feel would make it worth your while; keeping in mind of course I am a business man and I do need to make a profit. This first payment will be a total loss for me if you fail to return or the elves do not opt to make further business arrangements."
Corren returns to the Drunken Logger and is greeted by Alena whose smile quickly fades to a frown "What is wrong?" she says as she guides him to a chair at nearby table "You look as though something has you disturbed."
Corren is frowning as he walks into the tavern. He sees Zinna, as usual the center of some fellow's attention, and that makes his frown begin to fade. But not enough, as Alena, who also usually makes Corren smile, sees his frown and asks what is causing his mood.
Alena is also used to being besieged by the various denizens of the Drunken Logger, but she always has a smile for the young guardsman, and he appreciates her efforts. So he decides she deserves an honest answer. He sits and gestures for her to take the other seat.
"It's a trivial thing, to be honest. But we happened to bring back some goblins as prisoners that we had caught and interrogated. Roland had apparently promised to try to release them, but Reeve Gant ordered them executed, which I agree was the right decision. But as Roland, to his credit he volunteered to carry it out, began, some townsfolk began cheering. The bloodthirstiness they demonstrated bothered me. Yes, they're evil, vicious creatures, and I'm glad they will trouble us no longer. But I felt like they were crazed dogs that needed to be put down, not entertainment." He paused, then forced a smile to his face. "So there, nothing too terrible, as I said. Now, how have you been? Did we miss anything special here in town last night or this morning?"
Zinna frowns as she studies the table top for a moment. She hears someone entering the room and notices Corren walking in and sitting down. Expecting him to walk over to her table she watches him sit down and begin talking to the barmaid. She couldn't remember her name. Zinna looks at Carl. "Please bear with me for just a moment good sir. The gentleman that just entered is the leader of our group. I will have him come talk to you. Surely between the two of us we can convince him of the urgency of this mission. " Zinna winks at Carl.
Zinna sashays over to Corren with a little more sway in her walk than normal. She smiles at Corren. " If you can spare a moment Corren. There is a gentleman I've been speaking with that has news and an offer I'm sure you will find most enticing. " Zinna nods and smiles at Alena. " I'll go back to talking business with him. Whenever you are free Corren." She saunters back across the room and takes a seat across from Carl.
Smiling at Carl she takes a seat. " He is busy for the moment. He will be over in a little while. " She glances at Carl. "I meant what I said. I will take this on by myself if necessary. I like money and what it will buy. " Zinna looks coyly at the merchant. " How about 100 gold pieces? These are exceedingly dangerous times. People are disappearing as you have heard. That sum is nothing to pay compared to what it might earn you in the long run. Consider it an investment. She grins and speaks in Elvish. " One cannot succeed without taking a chance my friend. "