Out of Character: : Interactions with Zinna will be covered in the pending Interpersonal Thread.
In Character: :
The last few months have been busy, but mostly pleasant for Corren. He and Zinna enjoy one another's company, the folks in the town continue to hold the Defenders in high esteem, and the raise in pay has been nice. Corren is mostly saving up his funds, but has kept any plans for the money mostly to himself.
The group still works together on occasion, and meets almost daily. One of the more memorable occasions involved another dust-up at the Logger. Word reached Corren and Roland that Donnell was becoming belligerent. Donnell was just about the largest man in town, and almost always among the most good-natured. Truly a gentle giant of a man, all agreed. But on those rare occasions when made angry, he could cause lots of damage and injuries. As they reached the door Corren paused and said to Roland, "Give me just a couple of moments, then follow. You'll know when to act." Roland nodded and did as asked.
Corren came in and amidst the shouting and chaos, he managed to get Donnell's attention. But the man was not to be calmed, and a meaty fist knocked the rogue back over a table. But before anyone else could react, Roland delivered a solid blow to Donnell's midsection, eliciting a satisfying "Whooff," and followed with a wicked uppercut that lifted Donnell clear off his feet. The larger man dropped like the proverbial poleaxed steer. From that night forward, whenever Corren stood in the doorway of a room where there was trouble, with a large form looming behind him, things generally calmed down quickly.
There had been other incidents, and Corren had done his share of working alone, but for the most part, nothing anywhere near as exciting or hazardous as the disappearances and the grell had arisen. But Reeve Gant's latest assignment sounded like it could harbor even more intrigue and danger. He looks at his fellow Defenders a moment, then turns to the newcomer and gestures at a chair at the next table. "Well met, Sir Leo. I am Corren. Pull up a chair and we can discuss things." He pauses, then adds, "I certainly hope your Father Marcellus can ride a horse, for if the elves are not welcoming, a quick retreat might be our only course of action."
He thanks Corren and has a seat, "Just Leo if you don't mind, at least until around the Father. I cannot vouch for his ability to ride, but to be perhaps a little blunt, I suspect it has been some time since he took to a saddle." Leo shakes his head and sighs, "Also, I agree about the probable outcome, he is confident in his abilities to simply preach to them and convert in droves, I am less certain. But that is why I am here. My primary orders are to preserve his life, and it is my duty to preserve that of others as well. If I could, I would achieve both by telling him to at least slow down and approach the issue with some finesse. I cannot, so I must settle for preparing for the worst and praying it does not come to pass. You know these people and these lands better than either of us. How can we ensure this does not end in violence? Or failing that, how can we at least get everyone back out intact?" Edited: daishain on 22nd Oct, 2016 - 1:49am
Zinna has been enjoying life in the village more since the successful mission. She has gotten to know Corren and enjoys spending time with him. Zinna has had no little amount of fun ruffling Roland's feathers whenever she sees him. She has shared ale many times with her favorite dwarf who always brings a smile to her face. Zinna has tried to bring the young monk into the society of the village but he has preferred to remain aloof due to his strict beliefs. She has spent a large amount of time working on her lute, singing and tumbling acts. Being a member of the defenders of clear creek has really boosted her popularity. She has written sings glorifying the deeds of the other members of the group. The only problem she doesn't know what to do about is Renner. From time to time he is really obnoxious. One day he will really have to be dealt with.
While relaxing with her friends she notices Tywin and a large stranger walking up. She listens to the Reeve speak with a very annoyed look on her face. She looks away from Tywin and rolls her eyes which is noticeable to the rest of the group if they watch her turn. Zinna pays casual attention to the conversation between Corren and the stranger. She looks at Sir Leo. "Excuse me. I already have to deal with a muscle bound, overbearing man in the group. Two is a lot to ask of me. I just want it understood that on this mission our group works for Corren. Not you. Carry on gentleman. " She smiles and sits back. Zinna looks at Carrick and winks.
Leo seems to have expected this kind of response, he nods respectfully to the bard before continuing, "Zinnathrya wasn't it? I understand, I have no desire to usurp Corren, and by all means continue to follow his lead rather than mine. But for now please listen, for the sake of the people of Clear Creek if nothing else." That ubiquitous grin has left the man's face entirely at this point, and he looks quite somber.
"The church is determined to see this through by one means or another. If and when this mission ends in failure, especially if it ends with Father Marcellus' death, they may choose to respond by ordering my brethren to complete the mission via the sword. Innocent lives will be lost on both sides, and this place will almost certainly be caught up in the chaos. I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to prevent such a tragedy, but I doubt I can succeed alone, please help me." Edited: daishain on 22nd Oct, 2016 - 12:02pm
"Leave it to a man of the church to want to go to the so called hethens of the world and attempt to bring them to their way of thinking. I believe the church is over stepping itself but since we have to do this or else is not always a good incentive. Yes I will assist in getting the good father to his desired place. I just hope that he is one that can see reason if things go bad. This is my take on it." Mradoric raises his ale and nods to Leo, "Anyways welcome to Clear Creek."
Carrick had just taken a frothy gulp from his ale and set it down as Reeve Gant and an unknown man entered the tavern. The dwarf wiped his arm across his mouth to dry some of the foam still in his beard and repositioned himself as he could tell by Tywin's demeanor that this was going to be a meeting for business. As the reeve and the larger man approached, giving him a better look through the haze of pipe smoke and general lighting that is provided by candles and a large hearth-fire, Carrick's eyes narrow on the unknown man and his garb. Carrick mumbles under his breath something in dwarvish just as the two approach the table.
After Gant's delivery of both orders and a knew accomplice, Carrick continues to eye the paladin, who by now has introduced himself as Leo. Once the reeve has left and Corren welcomes the paladin to sit, the dwarf slouches back and quaffs his ale as a sort of dispensing of pleasantries. Carrick grins amusingly when Zinna speaks up and then winks at him.
As Leo pauses, Carrick speaks up, "So th' church fin'ly wants t' make a grab at th' Wilds, eh? An' they send just a priest an' ye?" The dwarf looks increasingly aggravated as he continues, "Ye tell us that this be nothin' more then a 'diplomatic' mission; one t' 'stablish positive relations b'tween th' elves an' th' church? Ease 'em into th' church's way of believin'. Then, that be when ye start layin' on th' dogma!" Carrick's tone begins to betray a sense of experience. "I know all too well how th' church handles those who mer'ly want t' be left t' their own ways, 'broth'r'." Carrick looks the paladin directly in the eyes, "I won't let th' church unleash you an' th' rest of it's dogs 'ere! Not while this dwarf still got a breath in 'em! So fer ev'ryones sake 'ere," Carrick looks around to all his companions then back to Leo, "Yer priest best be able t' 'andle resistance. I feel th' elves of th' Scolandi be more pow'rful then th' church, er th' empire thinks."
The dwarf calms down a bit and sinks back in his chair. A look of uncertainty creeps over his face and he begins to stroke his white braid in his beard, seemingly lost in thought. Edited: Brandonfett on 22nd Oct, 2016 - 2:10pm
Leo blinks a few times in silence, clearly having some trouble parsing Carrick's statement. Eventually he nods and speaks again, "It may surprise you to learn that I agree with the both of you, at least in part. The Maker's word is a boon to all lives, but it is a boon to be shared among those who are both ready and willing to hear. Forcing it on others is a cause for a great deal of suffering and strife, which I cannot accept as being the Maker's will."
Leo shakes his head, "To be frank, I considered refusing to take part in this, but defiance of that sort would not help. At best, the mission would be briefly delayed while I get replaced, probably by some of the considerably more zealous brothers or sisters in my order. At least here, I might have a chance to intervene before matters get out of hand." He pauses to signal whoever is serving drinks and orders a tankard of ale.
Corren sighs and shakes his head. "Okay, I think we have all established we think that while the Church's message might be peaceful, it might be willing to deliver it with unreasonable force. And delivering the message is not our job. That belongs to Father Marcellus. All we need to do is get him there and help him get settled. Once he begins offering his words, we need to be ready to help get him out." He turns to Leo. "You have traveled here with the him, yes? Do you think he will be fire-&-brimstone, preaching up a storm? Warning them of their evil, sinful ways? Or perhaps he'll be more open-minded, willing to simply discuss things with any elves interested in an exchange of ideas?"