Seeing the Creature Drop Mradoric rushes over to Zinnathrya. He carefully turns her over to examine her wounds. "Zinnathyra can you hear me? I am going to remove your armor so we can see what we are dealing with, ok?" Mradoric will carefully start to remove her armor. Once it is removed he will apply healing herbs to her wounds that he had gathered as they traveled.
Out of Character: Not sure of the rolls or bonus to healing with herbs but I have the knowledge I will make a few d20 rolls and some d8 rolls for the Dungeon Master.
Leo sets his weapon aside and hurries to the downed woman as well, concern etched on his face. "I believe I can speed things along, this will get her out of danger and on her feet, but won't get her fully recovered, I hope some of those herbs will relieve the pain of the remaining acid burns." As he speaks, Leo grasps a limp hand and channels Radiant energy once more, to restore flesh this time rather than rend it. His job done, he backs off to check the area for any more danger while letting her friends crowd around as she regains consciousness
Out of Character: Zinna now conscious at 5Hp aside from what the herbs can do, 5 points remaining in Leo's LOH pool. Also, noted on that range ruling for the bonus action attack.
Edited: daishain on 29th Oct, 2016 - 2:46am
Zinna lies there motionless. When Sir Leo channels the radiant energy her skin begins to get color to it. Her green eyes open and she resumes thrashing weakly. She looks about wildly and she seems to be still fighting the creature in her mind. Zinna cries out weakly ". It burns, burns. "
Malek sees everyone tending to the bard then he asks "Is she okay?" Satisfied she is in good hands he turns his attention to the creature that attacked them. Slowly approaching it he is ready to cast a spell in case it's not truly dead. Malek examines the giant bug trying to identify it, he racks his brain for any information that he has come across. Hmm I'd really like a sample of the creatures saliva to study it. "Does anyone have a glass vial by any chance so I can take a sample" mad at himself for not being properly equipped to head into the wilds he will again turn his attention to the young bard.
Leo says softly, "She will live and recover Malek. But that was a traumatic experience. Let her be with the companions she knows and trusts most for now. Any thoughts on our assailant? I can't say I've ever seen the like. Sorry, but I did not think to carry any vials either."
Leo will end the suffering of the creature if it is still twitching, and then endeavor to clean the ichor from his blade.
Edited: daishain on 29th Oct, 2016 - 1:20pm
Corren is relieved when those with knowledge and ability for healing immediately move to Zinna. He wants to help, but knows the best thing for him to do is to stay out of their way. He stays back a bit, and keeps an eye open for further threats.
As Zinna regains consciousness, he lets out a breath he was unaware he was holding, and mutters a brief thanks to the Maker. He finally steps forward and says, "You had us all worried there. Thank you, Leo, Mradoric, for your aid to her. Zinna, relax, take it easy. We'll break for lunch earlier than planned. I'll stand watch."
Father Marcellus makes his way over to where Zinna lies, he kneels down to assess her wounds peeling back the blood soaked and torn side of her blouse. “Looks painful” he gives her a warm compassionate smile. Removing an amulet from beneath his tunic he holds it in his left hand while placing his right hand over the wound on her left side “Do you accept the healing light given to us by the Maker?” he asks locking eyes with her. Though the look of compassion has not faded, she sees resolve mingled with it.
The party finds that, not being trained for war, both Corren and Zinna’s horses have fled into the forest in fear. The other horses are barely under control; I will need a handle animal check to see how long it takes to calm them and if there are any lingering effects from the encounter on them.
Zinna lies still after realizing the creature is dead. She is still in great pain but is thankful to be alive. Looking up at everyone she smiled wanly. In a quiet voice she says ". Thank you everyone. I could have been killed. "
She notices Father Marcellus approaching her. Her green eyes watch him warily. She doesn't say anything while he checks her wounds. Seeing him pull out the amulet she raises her eyebrows. When she hears him ask about accepting she frowns. Her eyes glint as she stares back at him. " either heal me or don't. I accept nothing of the Maker."