Speaking in elvish malek asks that may our two groups continue to talk while the priest is looked after and made ready to travel? Forgive me but I've only arrived in this area a few days ago and know nothing of the people or surrounding area. I am a scholar sent here to study the wilds and talk to the people living here, so perhaps we could open a dialog and make sure there is no further encroachments or misunderstandings on our parts my name is malek and who would you be?
Carrick replies back in elvish,
"Aye! Jus' 'llow us t' get our wits 'bout us an' tend t' th' injured." Then returning his attention to the group speaks just above a whisper, "Leo, tend t' th' fath'r. Corren, they mean fer us not t' pass, not without spillin' blood. They're givin' us moment t' heal th' priest but then we got t' go."
The dwarf looks around the canopy and then back down to Corren as he continues, "They 'ave us surrounded, an' these not be Light 'airs. They definit'ly don't like a one of us! But it be yer call." Carrick's hands only lowered so he still has both bow and arrow gripped, "But whatev'r ye decide, ye may want t' make it quick. Don't think they be willin' t' put up wit' us fer too much long'r… " Then at Zinna's words Carrick snaps reflexively, "Cool yer tongue!"
The dwarf recomposes himself and lowers his voice, "They mean t' kill ALL of us if ye keep on like that. This be not th' time or place fer our squabbling 'bout th' church. An' yer antagonizin' 'em ain't goin' t' slow that down!"
Carrick's attention goes back to Corren. Edited: Brandonfett on 31st Oct, 2016 - 4:33pm
Leo will slowly replace his weapon in its sling and walk to where Marcellus lies. He'll check the wound, and unless he doesn't like what he sees or the father stops him, he'll break and remove the projectile, healing 2 HP via lay on hands to seal it off. He'd give more, but the way things are going, he's more than a little reluctant to empty his reserve further.
He quietly says, "Father, we must retreat, at least for now, more blood will be shed to no purpose otherwise. Let me help you onto your horse." Edited: daishain on 31st Oct, 2016 - 4:56pm
Zinna frowns at Carrick's words. She was only trying to ease tensions. She places her hand on her injured side and begins chanting the words to cure wounds. Zinna feels the burns going away and her sides knitting back together. She gasped at the wondrous feeling and stands easily back to her feet. Standing she still holds her hands up in a non threatening manner.
Leo moves to Father Marcellus' side to find that he has already removed the arrow and has stood up, his hand falls away from the wound and Carrick can see that it has closed up. The priest looks around but obviously is still unable to spot anyone in the trees. He brings his hands up slowly to show that they are empty. He waves Leo away when the paladin approaches to heal him "I'm fine, thank you" he says.
To Leo's surprise Marcellus does speak in Elvish though it's dialect is different from that spoken by the Elves that they are confronted with. "Please" he says calmly but with a tone of resolve "We come with only peaceful intentions… "
"I would speak with your leader human!" Marcellus is cut abruptly off. The elf bounds from tree to tree until she is a mere twenty five yards away before she drops down onto the forest floor. She holds a longbow in her left hand and with her right hand she places an arrow in a quiver that rests on her back.
The woman has finely crafted features, long flowing raven black hair, and intense lavender colored eyes. Her tall and lithe form is encased in armor that at first glance might be mistaken for leather, but is not only more form fitting but appears to be made of some sort of hardened plant-like material rather than leather. Her armor, as well as the cloak that rests on her shoulders is camouflaged, containing brown, black, and shades of green which help to break up her silhouette and increase her ability to conceal herself in foliage. The woman has a short sword in a scabbard on her left hip and a dagger on her right. But for her air of confidence, this woman would look to be too delicate to be a warrior, but she carries herself with in such a way that it would likely cause an orc chieftain to think twice about challenging her.
The elf maiden looks over the party, apparently sizing each of you up, eyes narrow they fall at last on Zinna "You are a strange people." She aims this at Zinna "To allow a man to speak to you in such a manner. Were he mine I would have his tongue removed for such an offense."
She studies Zinna for a moment "I am unfamiliar with this term, bard. Is it the title of a warrior? I am also unfamiliar with you and can say with certainty that you are not among those the Illiosani count as friends. Your man mentioned the Light Hair people… what business would you have with them?"
Upon hearing their assailant say she wishes to speak with their leader, Corren prepares to reply. But once the Elven woman begins speaking with Zinna, and her comments indicate a more matriarchal society or viewpoint, he simply looks as Zinna with a smile and nods encouragingly.
As the elf lands on the ground, Carrick's grip tightens around his bow, but when seeing that she puts away her arrow, he relaxes slightly. And upon hearing her chastise him, Carrick almost says something, but thinks better of it. He too will wait, cautiously, and see how this plays out with Zinna.
Mradoric stands with Zinnathyra and will stand by her and move forward with her iff she does step forward ready to lend a hand if needed. He will look about as everyone speaks taking in all he can see. He will see if he can spot the others.