Zinna listens to Carrick speaking to the elf. She studies the elf while listening. There is such a sharp contrast between the Elven Carrick speaks and that the elf speaks. She smiles at this. Carrick sounds dwarvish even while speaking in Elven. Hearing Corren speak to the elf in common she glances at him and to the elf for his reaction. Maybe this would be the chance the party needed to establish good will with the party. She smiles at the elf while waiting on his response.
Hearing his companions' input regarding the orc scouts, Carrick looks back toward Jae'dyn, "Hm, me friends 'ere be willin' t' off'r in takin' out any immediate orc threat in 'xchange fer a stay while waitin' fer word from yer counc'l." Carrick then reaches into his coin pouch, "But if that not be 'nuff, what do ye consid'r this be worth?" The dwarf extends his hand out to the elf revealing the strange elven coin.
When Corren speaks Jae'dyn glances at him and looks him over giving Corren the impression that he did understand what was said but returns his attention to Carrick and continues speaking in Elvish. The elf takes the coin from Carrick's hand and looks it over, turning it back and forth from front to back several times as he examines it. "Where would you come about this so far east?" he asks "The City of Allranbel is more than a hundred miles from here, well if the trader's I've dealt with are right anyway. I've never been there myself, nor have I met any elves from the great city."
Jae'dyn returns the coin "It holds no value here, but the human's offer might. Durmista is ill equipped to withstand an orc raid and so as you can see we are preparing to flee. The orcs have a tendency to raze any elven structures they come across so to protect the forest our root benders need time to undo the dwellings here. These are living structures and for an elf to know that they have fallen into the hands of savages is almost unbearable; like losing a member of ones family. It is doubtful that the root benders will be able to complete the undoing before the war band arrives. If you are able to give us enough time to withdraw I'm sure it would go a long way in convincing the council that you are worthy of their attention."
Jae'dyn explains that the settlement suffered a probing attack a few days ago and that they are anticipating a larger assault within the next twenty-four hours. Unfortunately they do not have a precise location of the war band but he does give you their last known whereabouts.
Carrick puts the coin back into his pouch, "Got it off an orc. It 'ad three of 'em tot'l. But as fer th' ones that be headin' 'ere, it seems that the rest of me cohorts be up fer th' task!"
The dwarf then turns to Corren and relays what Jae'dyn just said then adds, "But if we know they be comin', perhaps we 'old up 'ere an' prepare an ambush?"
Corren frowns. "But if we try to set the ambush here, doesn't the defeat the purpose of giving the village inhabitants time to make their preparations and escape? And surely they expect resistance here, since their scouts made contact. I'd feel better about moving in their direction and hopefully finding a good place to lay that ambush. Or maybe offer a few hit-and-run attacks to keep their attention for a day or two." He suddenly blinks and turns to Zinna. "But as this is now your command, I am simply offering advice."
Leo chimes in, "We should be able to establish an ambush point enough away from the village to limit the danger. This remains the one area we know they will be. But it is preferable to to know their specific movements before establishing our plan. They may split their force to assault from more than one direction for instance, in which case we'll wish to engage them out there before they get close. Out group is not large enough to reliably defend more than one approach." Edited: daishain on 14th Nov, 2016 - 9:34pm
Listening to the others she nods. " Yes, we must act away from here to protect the village. Let's prepare to leave quickly. We will head in the direction of the Orc attackers. Let's send out two people ahead to scout quickly. Corren and Carrick, can you scout ahead for us? Find the enemy and learn their numbers, direction they are headed and watch to see if they are splitting up or staying together. The rest of us shall follow behind straight towards the enemy. We will look for good areas for setting up ambushes. Carrick and Corren, please don't be allowed to be engaged by the enemy. This is reconnaissance only. If you are attacked there will be no one around to help you. ".
Zinna studies the others with the hint of a smile on her face. " We can't make final plans without more information. If the numbers are too great we will be better off conducting hit and run attacks to delay. If they are more manageable we can conduct a defensive ambush and try to hold them for a little while. Let us make haste my friends. ". Looking at Carrick and Corren she speaks " be careful you two. Come back to us as soon as you have the information for us. "