The sun is setting by the time Corren and Carrick head in the direction of the last known observation of orcs with the remainder of the party falling in approximately a quarter of a mile back. Carrick quickly finds evidence of the orcs having passed through the area and follows it about two miles northwest of Durmista. The smell of wood burning along with the smell of some form of meat roasting is the first indicator of the warbands presence.
The orcs make no attempt at stealth or silence and their raucous laughter can be heard from half a mile away. As you approach you can hear the beating of a drum mingled with the sound of boorish grunts and howls that are difficult to discern whether they are howls of pleasure or pain.
The foliage is still too thick to see anything clearly though and the sun has fully set casting the forest in a deep starless state of darkness. Will Carrick and Corren approach the camp and if so, how will they approach? (Include Stealth rolls if applicable; I will also need perception checks from everyone; for anyone without dark vision this will be at disadvantage).
Zinna hears drum beats in the distance. A grin crosses her face. She looks at the others. " Sounds like our orcs are up ahead. The orcs not making any attempts at being quiet is worrisome. They probably have a large enough warband to not be concerned. " Zinna studies the night ahead of the group and smiles again. " They won't have such a large warband when the sun rises though. This is the perfect time to find them. Everyone, let's slow down. Watch every direction for Orc scouts. We can't afford to be caught off guard. "
"If its a large band, it may benefit us to try and split them off a little at a time. Somehow lure a few away and then fall on them in force. Illusions of some kind may be of benefit, I don't suppose you two have any good tricks on hand for this?" (Leo is addressing Zinna and Malek with that last statement).
Zinna looks at Sir Leo when she hears him speaking. " I have an illusion spell I can use. I can make a static illusion or cause a noise to be made. It has it's uses. I agree that if it's a large warband that we need to split it up some. Another option is to wait until later tonight. They should sleep sometime. We could sneak up and take out the watch. Then just kill them all while they sleep. We need more information though. When we hear back from our scouts we can make our plan. "
She hesitates for a moment. " I know how the father thinks. He thinks I'm unworthy of healing. I have an ability that can help you in battle. In the past I used it on Roland, our most heavily armed warrior. Since he is no longer here I offer it to you. If you are unwilling to accept it then I understand. " She looks at him waiting for his response.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Nov, 2016 - 9:02pm
Carrick thinks for a moment, taking in the apparent cockiness that the orcs are displaying, then whispers to Corren, "Sumthin' don't feel right. They be a dumb bunch of brutes, but t' be goin' on in this mann'r, makin' themselves easy targets? They gotta 'ave sumthin' we ain't seein'."
The dwarf slowly dismounts then continues, "I'm goin' in fer a clos'r look, maybe get a count, an' ye be 'ere fer when th' rest catch up. Then we can decide what t' do. An' b'fer ye start on wit' needin' t' wait, I only be goin' t' scout, not engage. We need th' information. They be th' invad'rs! They might 'ave numb'rs, but I know ev'ry stump, rock an twig in these 'ere woods! They don't know how many we be er even that we be 'ere! We 'ave th' advantage, we can make six seem like sixty."
With that, Carrick gives a small grin and heads towards the sound of the orcs. He pulls out his bow and notches an arrow. One that he took off of the Bloody Axe's.
Out of Character: Carrick's remarks about the woods are from his outlander background where he can remember the layout of terrain and thus use it, in this instance as an advantage in trying to escape if necessary, whereas the orcs may not have such recollection.
Leo winces, "I had been meaning to speak with you about that. He does not think you unworthy, he thinks you unwilling. The father and I have no natural talent for healing, it is instead a gift from the Maker, and it involves touching the patient with his radiance. To claim otherwise would be a lie on our part. As a result, when you told him you would not accept anything of the Maker, the Father simply could not both heal you and abide by your wishes. I realize that you view the situation differently, but please believe me when I say it was neither scorn nor judgement that stayed his hand before."
"For my part, while I would not force aid on the truly unwilling, I consider theological perception less important than the simple priority of saving lives. Therefore, unless you tell me you do not wish my help, I will continue to aid you as best I can given the situation, and let you believe what you wish as to the nature of it."
"Likewise, as to your aid, I am quite willing to accept whatever assistance you feel that you can grant. The magics of songweirds are a beautiful thing."
Edited: daishain on 16th Nov, 2016 - 10:11pm
Carrick moves silently through the brush with little difficulty coming to within about fifty yards of the group of orcs whom he sees gathered around a significant bonfire. From the looks of it is a war band that is at least twenty strong, six of which are goblins posted at the cardinal points of the camp acting as lookouts while the remaining orcs move about the bonfire howling and grunting in the middle of performing what appears to be a very chaotic war dance.
The orcs are fully dressed in armor ranging from strong hide to patchwork pieces of leather and chain mail; they hold their great axes high between howls and occasionally one will bring the blade of his axe across a fore arm or cheek drawing a trickle of dark black blood.
Near the middle of the melee stand a trio of two larger orcs and one hump backed female orc adorned with bone armor. She holds a drum in one hand and beats on it with a large femur bone, pounding out a rhythm of chaos that assaults the ears.
One of the larger central figures appears to be missing an eye, he stands with his arms folded in front of him as the other figure lets out a spine tingling, rage filled bellow! The others immediately stop their revelry and the hunchbacked woman ceases her drumming as the orc steps forward closer to the blaze.
In a deep gutteral voice the orc warrior addresses the war band, From his position, Leo is able to catch bits and pieces of what the large orc is saying though the details are a bit sketchy. From what Leo is able to ascertain the large orc is motivating his troops telling them that Gruumsh has delivered their enemies into their hands and that tonight they will feast on the flesh of elves! The orcs and goblins cheer at this announcement, the woman begins to beat on the drum once more and the orc warriors begin a more ordered rhythmic dance that spirals around the bonfire and begins to coalesce around the trio in the center as the trio begin to move away from the fire. It quickly becomes apparent that there is little time remaining… the war band is marching toward Durmista!
Carrick catches a slight movement in the trees out of the corner of his eyes and he studies the treeline intently for several moments before he finds the source of the movement. In the trees between him and the rest of the party an elf is perched on a high branch but interestingly enough the elf does not appear to be watching the orcs. His focus seems to be on the party. Unless he gets closer though, Carrick is not able to make out any significant details about the elf so he is unsure if this is a Light hair, an Illiosani, or some other elf.