Malek casts his sleep spell when a big enough grouping comes within range, remembering to target the right side. "Um are we holding this spot because that's a lot of orcs"
Zinna looks at Mradoric in shock that he is off of his horse. She then notices Sir Leo dismounting. Zinna yells " We need to follow Sir Leo's plan. We should mount up and set up another spot to fight. This is suicide. All we will accomplish here is die. Go. I'll be right with you. "
Out of Character: : The only reason I'm not riding is I lost my turn.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Nov, 2016 - 5:05pm
Carrick releases his arrow and it buries itself into the orcs chest. The orc reaches his hand up and snaps the arrow and at first it would seem that he is going to shake it off but as the orc attempt to move forward he falls to one knee instead. He tries to stand back up but falters and then falls forward and dies.
The orcs surge forward advancing quickly but leaving the goblins behind in their blood lust (The goblins do not have the aggressive trait and do not gain the extra 30ft movement)! As the orc war band comes closer Mradoric attempts to throw a dart but his hands fumble and he drops the dart instead (Critical fail)
Malek casts his spell (If you could tell us what that looks like) and two of the orcs slowly stop their forward momentum as they struggle to keep their eyes open but they eventually succumb to the spell and fall prone.
The cluster of orcs along with the two larger orcs and the hunched orc are now approximately ten feet away from Leo, Mradoric, and Zinna. Approximately thirty feet behind them five goblins continue their charge and another thirty feet behind the goblins is Corren and Carrick; the goblins do not appear to be aware of the two party members behind them.
Corren sees no other real option but to keep moving forward. He glances to his right and nods at Carrick, then darts forward towards the goblin closest to him (Or furthest to the left if they are equally spaced apart), attacks with his rapier, then readies himself to cause further mayhem by stepping around a tree, planning on moving onto another goblin…
Out of Character: : Since they are unaware of him, attack with advantage, then bonus to disengage if it is still up, or Hide if it drops.
"Too late, this charge must be broken for any to escape. Go bard, take Malek and save that town. Go!"
With that, Leo will charge in to meet the orcs as previously described.
Out of Character: I get the feeling I'll need an athletics check just to avoid being trampled, so here. I also really hope this isn't as suicidal it looks, I like this character.
Edited: daishain on 23rd Nov, 2016 - 9:30pm
Zinna curses as she sees they are stuck in a hopeless combat. She will have words with Mradoric if they survive this battle. Her face red from anger she looks at Malek. " Go to the town. We will give you time to escape. I can't just leave my friends here. "
Noticing Sir Leo racing towards the orcs she follows right behind him. She sings a inspiring martial song. The words cause ripples in the air as they travel to the paladin. She calls out to Sir Leo. " I'm right behind you for a moment. Don't swing behind you. " She kneels down behind Sir Leo and touches his armored leg. Her other hand touches the neck of her lute. Zinna murmurs the words of the spell. Sir Leo feels a sense of warmth and power enter his body. After casting the spell she steps back away from him and to his right side while drawing her rapier.
Specific Action: Bonus action. She provided bardic inspiration to Sir Leo granting him an extra d6 to one attack, saving throw or ability check he makes in the next ten minutes. He can wait to see the result of his roll before using it as long as the Dungeon Master hasn't already said whether he hit or missed.
Action: She cast heroism on Sir Leo. This will make him immune to fear and he will get 4 temporary hit points a turn for one minute. They don't stack.
The orcs continue their advance and Leo steps forward slightly to thrust his glaive but it sails past the orcs head with lightning speed, however Leo pulls back slices the orc across the neck and then stabs through its abdomen. The orc crumples to the ground in a growing pool of blood. Corren bounds forward once more and drives his rapier through another goblin, which lets out a scream as it falls. The other goblins turn to looks at the source of the scream and their eyes fall on Corren and Carrick. Corren moves away and tries to blend in with the nearby foilage.
Mradoric has produced his quarterstaff and stands ready (He is still approximately 10ft away from the oncoming orcs. Will he advance and attack or wait for them to advance on him?)
Initiative: Leo (19), Corren (17), Mradoric (16), Carrick (13), Unknowns (15), Zinna (12), Orcs(7) Malek (4).