Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread - Page 68 of 150

As they group continues its slow progress, - Page 68 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 19th Dec, 2016 - 11:20pm

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Post Date: 17th Dec, 2016 - 1:31am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
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Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread - Page 68

Mradoric readies all of his stuff and is ready to move when and if they need to. HE will continue to look about as he watches to make sure nothing is trying to sneak up on them.

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Post Date: 17th Dec, 2016 - 1:35am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
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Thread Main RPG e Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Corren nods to Carrick. "If they're not directly threatening us, let's not give them reason to. Let's go back to our track, and find Zinna, and the blackguards who took her."

Post Date: 17th Dec, 2016 - 3:08am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
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Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

"Kenku eh? I can't claim to have ever heard of such. Is there any chance we might be able to get some information from them? They might be able to point us towards where the Illiosani live."

17th Dec, 2016 - 9:29pm / Post ID: #
Malek Szul
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Page 68 Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

The wise says...

"Leo from what I've read of the kenku any information they give us could never be trusted. They are a race built on trickery and guile with no real organization to speak of. Nobody really knows their true history because of their nature and most encounters end up with someone falling victim to a burglary or mischievous scheme. If you said there was only three that makes sense as they tend to stick together in smaller numbers called flocks. If you can't tell I am going to suggest we stay clear of them as they can't be trusted." Once malek is finished talking he gives a quick smile, for once he feels useful as this what his real strength is using his years of study to finally help.

18th Dec, 2016 - 6:19am / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master
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Thread Main RPG Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

The Maker says...

Zinna approaches the large figure, oblivious to the sudden tension that this seems to cause throughout the cavern. Fellow prisoners react with anxiety, some turning away and pretending not to notice while others look as though they are debating whether or not they should intervene. But Zinna's approach is too quick for anyone to warn her and she no sooner opens her mouth to speak and the figure, a somewhat emaciated orc, lashes out violently and with a growl pushes Zinna away as he stands and glares at her saying something in rough orcish.

The orcs glare turns from anger to a look of hunger but before anything further can happen Zinna feels a small hand tug at her own and a meek voice grunt something in a high pitched orcish. Zinna and the orc both look down to see a small pink haired gnome with one hand up in a placating manner to the orc. The gnome is a thin female wearing the clothes associated with a gypsy though hers are tattered and her hair is greatly disheveled.

"Don't look him in the eye" she says, "It will only make him think that you are challenging him. You don't want to know what happens to a woman that challenges an orc."

The tiny gnome keeps her own eyes averted and rambles something else in orcish and the orc responds gruffly but then sniffs, grunts, and sits back down. The gnome quickly leads Zinna away to another section of the cavern. "Never met an orc before?" she chides softly "I promised him both of our rations for the day, hopefully that will be enough to convince him to leave you alone for now."

The gnome looks about as though to ensure that no one is watching and then reaches into a hidden pocket within her tunic and reveals a small berry of unknown color "To restore your strength" she says and offers it to Zinna. "My name is Lorilys… welcome to the Cavern of Broken Dreams."

Post Date: 18th Dec, 2016 - 2:43pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread

Zinna sighs in relief at getting away from that situation. She grins at the gnome and takes the berry. She studies it for a moment then places it in her mouth. After eating it she looks at the diminutive woman. " Thank you for the berry and thanks even more for your aid with the Orc. I'm very sorry that I cost you your food ration for today as well as mine. I normally wouldn't approach an Orc like that. With us all being prisoners here I thought that might change things. " Zinna studies the gnome for a moment.

Zinna looks around the cavern for a moment then back to Lorilys. She extends her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Lorilys. I am Zinna. Cavern of Broken Dreams. Not exactly a pleasant name. I assume that you as well as the others in this cavern are prisoners that are being used to feed those foul trees with your spirits? Is there no way to escape? With all of us working together surely we could manage to break away. "

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19th Dec, 2016 - 5:19pm / Post ID: #
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Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread - Page 68

The Maker says...

Lorilys returns Zinna's handshake "Don't worry about it, the foods not that good anyway. I managed to stash away a few berries when I was captured and every once in a while I can convince my animal friends to sneak in some more for me. I still have a few left. You'll have to forgive Oomigig; he is still quite bitter over his situation. He used to be a chieftain. Granted it was a small tribe but he was a chieftain none the less."

Lorilys shrugs at the mention of the cavern name "Well the name seemed appropriate… I doubt it's what the Illiosani call this place, but that's what we call it. I see you've met the ancestors" she motions to the puncture wounds on your sides. You are correct in your assumption; everyone here is food for the ancestors in a way. Your spirit isn't really being fed to the trees, they are just conduits I guess you could say, its the ancestors of the Illiosani that are the true recipients of our life force. They're afraid of the second death, you see, and have made themselves into gods so to speak. But stalling the second death is costly which is why we are here."

When Zinna asks about a way to escape Lorilys gives her a weak smile and looks at her the way one looks at a child who has asked a silly question "Believe me, my people are known for their ability to escape, and I've tried several times. These caverns are located deep under ground and there is a maze like network of tunnels lined with traps and heavily guarded by the Illiosani and their spider mounts. Those that do try to escape are fed to the ancestors to the point that they are utterly exhausted and near the point of death. I've been here for about a year and I witnessed one attempt at an uprising which did not end well. Oomigig there resisted greatly when he first arrived but after being drained of his energy enough times he finally accepted his fate. Now he pretty much keeps to himself and uses his size to extort food from the other prisoners when he can and he's not too fatigued."

Consuming the berry Zinna feels an immediate rush of energy and warmth that spreads throughout her body and she finds herself no longer fatigued.

Meanwhile Corren and the others return to tracking Zinna which continues to be slow going. After eight hours of travel the party has only managed to make it approximately four miles. Most would not even be able to track a spider through such terrain but Carrick meticulously goes over every inch of ground looking for clues. At the risk of gaining levels of fatigue the party can press on past the normal eight hour travel time. You still have approximately 17 miles to go.

I would like each of the party members who are attempting to track Zinna to give one detail about their surroundings as they travel through the forest or they may give a brief description of what they are thinking/feeling as they travel. Are there any conversations going on or does everyone pretty much keep to themselves?

Post Date: 19th Dec, 2016 - 11:20pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread
A Friend

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 68

As they group continues its slow progress, Corren finds it more and more difficult to concentrate. Carrick continues to find signs for them to follow, though even when he points them out to the group, Corren occasionally is unable to see them. They eat as they travel, either afoot or in their saddles. The trees are thick, with lots of undergrowth. As they finally take a short break in the late afternoon, Corren can feel the eyes on him. They wish to know how he will decide if they should continue forward, or make camp again. He knows if they become too tired, they might not be as capable if they encounter opposition. But as Carrick can not say how long the trail goes, or how long the signs will remain available to his keen tracker's senses, he is sorely tempted to press on. {After all,} he tells himself, {They might only be another mile or two ahead.}

He takes a pull off his water skin then looks to the others. Focusing on Carrick he says, "If you can keep tracking as the light fades, do it." He hopes he is making the right decision, and offers a quick prayer to the Maker. He also mutters, "Hang on, Zinna. We're coming."

Out of Character: : Not sure of the target for the CON roll, but here goes.

> TOPIC: Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Main Thread


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