"Father, the Lighthair need to understand that war is coming whether they wish it or not. We might be able to manage without them on this mission, but they will need to make a choice soon."
"Without their aid, either the Iliosani roll over the Empire's settlements, and grow strong enough to invade the feywild, destroying the Lighthair along the way. Or we are forced to call on the Empire, and the Lighthair become casualties."
"Queen Inasyah can likely help with this raid, and Zinna has gone to ask, but I think she won't be able to commit large numbers of people on this side of the veil"
Corren nods at Leo's words. "He's right, Father. If the Illiosani become a major problem, either they will totally control the Lighthair and their territory, which mans the Lighthair will become the chosen… fuel for these cursed trees, or the Empire will bring enough troops for a major war, which will first mean lots of killing and suffering, with plenty of collateral damage, and then the victor will be on control of the area. Again, either the Illiosani or the Imperial forces. Neither bodes well for the Lighthair."
Out of Character: : If the Dungeon Master wishes a Persuasion roll, let me know.
"Ah, you don't have to convince me friends" Father Marcellus replies "I understand the gravity of the situation, but the elves have a tendency to want to wait things out. From my discussions with the elves here in Durmista, my understanding is that the last real war that the Lighthair engaged in on any significant scale was centuries ago against a great orc horde that swept through the region and even at this the Lighthair did not fully engage until the horde was right on their doorstep. I'm just telling you that without a direct and imminent threat we are unlikely to convince the elders to initiate any hostile action that would lead to open war."
Father shakes his head and leans his elbows on the well, peering down into its abyss with obvious distress "The Empire will come; if not in response to the Illiosani, they will find another excuse to commit forces to tame the Wilds… don't you see? If I can convert enough Lighthair, perhaps the Empire will be more lenient with them… perhaps they will not slaughter them all or scatter them to the four corners of the Empire as they did with the Elves of the E'ranlean"
You can tell though by the tone of his voice that even Father Marcellus does not truly believe this to be true, and he knows that it is a false hope. "Reeve Gant seems to believe that if the Emperor has no enemy to target, he will not have reason to invade, but Reeve Gant has never been to the Capital or to the Imperial Heartlands; he doesn't understand. I wasn't sent here to convert anyone… I was sent here as a death sentence. No one truly believed that any within the Scolandi Wilds would accept the light of the Maker. Maybe I can save some though… a few."
He sighs again "One thing is for certain though… the Illiosani are a threat right here and right now. They need to be dealt with. I will do what I can but I make no promises."
On her way to Celodhil's dwelling Zinna runs nearly headlong into an encounter. In a grove, no more than two miles from Durmista she sees an encampment of orcs and goblins, perhaps twenty strong. She is able to get close enough without being detected to notice a couple of important details. One is that the orcs appear to be flying a tattered banner with an image of a crimson battle axe dripping blood; the same image that was on the orcs that they had fought nearly a year ago, but she also spies something very interesting to her.
She sees on the outskirts of the camp, Oomigig stands barking some sort of orders at a small group of cowering goblins. What will she do?
Zinna scouts around the orc camp. Being careful to make no noise she notices the banners. Frowning she continues to spy. Looking around a little longer she notices Oomigig berating some goblins. She thinks for a couple of minutes of what to do. Clear Creek is desperate for help. Even though orcs have no love for humans they have a common enemy, the Iliosani. She still feels a bond with Oomigig and feels that she can trust him somewhat. Zinna sighs as she knows what she should do.
Sneaking around to the area Oomigig is in, the bard walks into the clearing like she belongs there. " Oomigig, well met my friend. I see you are doing very well here. I have come to speak with you about something that concerns both of our people. " She has no weapon drawn and nothing in her hands to indicate any type of aggressive action.
Seeing Zinna the goblins draw weapons but sheath them after Oomigig puts his hand up and growls at them to stand down. The Oomigig that you see before you today is not the same Oomigig that stood with you at the Caverns a year ago. While the orc has always been big, even when he was emaciated from having been frequently drained of his life force, now his frame is bolstered by large well defined muscles that seem to strain against his chainmail armor.
Oomigig approaches Zinna, a large battle axe in his hand and stops in front of her leaving only a few feet of space between them. He looks down at her and growls is a deep voice “Zinnathrya… I came looking for you and yours but you find me instead.”
The orc looks around at the perimeter of the grove as the orcs and goblins begin to cluster nearby trying to see and hear the conversation. “I thought you might be in Durmista… if not there Clear Creek. We have some unfinished business…” he glances back at the gathering of orcs and goblins and then returns his attention to Zinna "Myself… these orcs… we will not accept peace with the Illiosani. So we break away from the rest of the tribe, but you and yours will help me get my revenge."
The massive orc glares down at Zinna as though he is expecting resistance and believes that he can intimidate her into compliance.
"There must be some way to keep the empire from making that terrible mistake. In the meantime, at least we can work to delay that outcome, and watch for opportunities. Perhaps we can find a way to show that the elves are more valuable to the empire as allies than as subjects or enemies?"
"But for now, we have much to do. I uh, I need to go take care of something. I'll be back soon."
Leo humbly takes his leave and departs the chapel.