Patrick Manning

Patrick Manning - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 14th Aug, 2007 - 7:19pm

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Trinidad Politics Manning A Preacher? This is a general Thread about Prime Minister Patrick Manning and his governance over Trinidad & Tobago.
14th Oct, 2006 - 12:14pm / Post ID: #

Patrick Manning

Patrick Manning

Do you see the present Prime Minister as a "Preacher" in the near future? What are your thoughts about it?

Declaring that he would not die in politics, Prime Minister Patrick Manning says his political career has motivated him to become a full-time preacher.

Manning revealed his plan to preach when his political career comes to an end in an article written by Marie Y Thibault, editor-in-chief of The Tech, which is the newspaper of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA.

The article was published yesterday on The Tech's website, and was based on an interview Thibault did with Manning just after he delivered the keynote address at the MIT Caribbean Students' conference at the university on October 7.

Published in a question-and-answer format, the interview explores Manning's transition from geology to politics, and the role his scientific background has played in his administration of the nation's energy policies.

Near the end of the interview, Thibault, who is identified as TT (The Tech), asked Manning, who is identified as PM, what he intended to do after his political career has ended.

"TT: Do you intend to return to geology when you leave politics?

PM: After I leave politics I am going to preach the word of God.

TT: Has your experience in politics at all motivated that?

PM: Yes, yes... That's a long story, but yes, the answer is yes. I have been Prime Minister now-this is my third term. We'll see how long it will last. But there's a finite period and I'm going to leave at some stage. I won't die in politics."

Patrick Manning
Patrick Manning (Hover)

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2nd Dec, 2006 - 3:07am / Post ID: #

Manning Patrick

To tell you the truth, he would look and sound the part rather well, BUT, only if he stays with a more conservative type of congregation willing to here blurbs of politics now and again. I cannot see him reaching the level of a Winston Cuffy, but who knows. In the end, I think it is mostly talk.

2nd Dec, 2006 - 3:13am / Post ID: #

Patrick Manning Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

One characteristic of a good Pastor is to be sensitive and concerned about people's welfare. He calls "dotishness" to the concerns of the citizens he promised to serve.

26th Mar, 2007 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #

Manning Patrick

Sometimes you seriously need to analyze if everyone in this country have gone completly mad:

Prime Minister Patrick Manning met a placard protest, locked doors and angry villagers during a walk though a bumpy road in Barrackpore on Saturday.

Forced to cut short the "Meet the People" tour when it began raining, Manning left with pride.

He said, "There was a time when the PNM could not have come to the Valley Line (Barrackpore)

Now here we are."

The area is considered an opposition United National Congress stronghold, but there is a People's National Movement party group with about 35 members, the Express was told.

Most the residents along the Oropouche South Trace greeted Manning, asking for a better water supply, betters roads, drainage and for telephone service, disrupted four months ago, to be repaired.

One man took Manning to his home at Teehul Trace to see a snake living in his tank.

Manning saw no snake, but the man tossed his dirty laundry through a window to prove there was not enough water to wash....

Manning said Government was making progress in national security.

He asked residents, "Have you realised how secure the country has gotten?"

No one answered his question.

21st May, 2007 - 11:19pm / Post ID: #

Manning Patrick

Benny Hinn recently insulted Manning saying something to the effect that he was the most foolish man he had ever met. The response of Manning was one of forgiveness in the spirit of Christian Brotherhood. Maybe Manning is getting ready for the clergy?

28th May, 2007 - 11:17pm / Post ID: #

Patrick Manning

What in the world is this guy smoking? Read the part in bold, not sure if the link still available since the Guardian's links change constantly.


Prime Minister Patrick Manning turned his attention to the nation's youths as he delivered the feature address at the PNM's sports and family day at the Eddie Hart Grounds in Tacarigua yesterday.

The youths, he said, whose votes would be counted "when the bell rings not too long from now."

The PM said special attention must be given to young people as they needed guidance and the opportunity to develop their talents for this competitive world.

He added that the youths must pay attention to the opportunities that were being made available to them.

"Young people of this nation, I remind you today, this party is for you...This Government exists for you," Manning said."Everything we do, we do for you...It is all for you, my children, all for you."

He said it was the Government's intention to provide free tertiary education for all young people, adding that T&T would now boast three universities with the addition of the Southern Caribbean University.
Manning said the Government's goal was to create 25,000 A-Level places in T&T by 2015.

He said the Government was not only developing the academic and technical skills of young people, but was placing equal emphasis on their artistic and cultural abilities.

Manning said their goals were much more than just talk, as the party had plan, action and legacy.
"Through the development taking place in all sectors of this country, we shall give to our children a sparkling jewel called T&T," the PM said.

Manning also paid tribute to former West Indies captain Brian Lara for his achievements and contributions to WI cricket.
He also said that the economy was the strongest it had ever been, having doubled since 2001.

"All are sharing in the prosperity which has permeated every nook and cranny of the country...Every wallet, every pocket can now buy something," he said. Manning promised that 'things will only get better."

"On that great and glorious night that is coming, when the numbers are counted, the PNM will stand taller than ever before, re-energised with a fresh new mandate from hundreds of thousands, including more and more young voters in this country," he said.

"Love is at work"¦Love for the young people of this country represented here in their full diversity," he added.

The PM said the people were being touched by the love and caring of the PNM.

"They can't love like me...They can't make that at all," he crowed.

He said if young people were to inherit a land of transparency and accountability, then standards and examples must be set...

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14th Aug, 2007 - 5:24pm / Post ID: #

Patrick Manning

Do you all recall Manning's statements a few years ago advising the population to watch more TV instead of having sex and making children? Well, he went right back the same issue but now with the people of Maloney. Check the statements on bold. Now I know why some Trinis are so much against large families or anti-children period! rolleyes.gif


Prime Minister Patrick Manning is advising Maloney residents to watch more television, since he said he had never seen 'such a collection of young people" in his life.

"I urge you, ladies and gentlemen of Maloney, to be a litte more discriminating in the way you spend your time."

Manning was speaking to the gathering after his tour of the area, where he was greeted by the old, and many young people.

Manning kissed children, picked them up, patted heads and signed autographs.

The PM said during his tour he had met a man who thanked him for implementing the MUST programme.

He said residents had complained to him, three years earlier, about lack of jobs.

Today, not only was the man employed, but he was able to provide for a family.

"My only advice to him is to ensure he minimises the number of children.

"The other thing I noticed in Maloney this afternoon is the number of children you have. I am wondering if you have cable TV here or if you have TV at all...

"If you say you have TV, then my advice to you is to look at television a little more often."

Manning also quipped that he suspected residents were looking at the wrong channels.

"My goodness! I have never seen a such collection of young people and children in my life!

"So, let me urge you, ladies and gentlemen...

"Let me tell you I have two children-two, my dear friends-because that's all I can afford.

"Doh bother with the ole talk...I have two."

UNC leader Basdeo Panday quipped yesterday he hoped Manning would not introduce legislation to limit sex.

Since when is the job of the Prime Minister to intervene in the intimacy of its citizens? Since when does it Manning has the right to tell people how many children they should have? Besides the point of whether the people can afford it or not, he as a Prime Minister has NO RIGHT whatsoever to make such stupid and ignorant statements of this kind.

14th Aug, 2007 - 7:19pm / Post ID: #

Patrick Manning Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

I cannot stand when a politician uses their own Morale thoughts to govern society. The people put you there to run government, not to be their pastor. Panday is one I am not too fond of either, but I must give him a high five for that comment. Maybe if Manning had his way he would bring a bill before parliament to limit the number of children - similar to that of China.

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