Different Races in Heaven
Are there Different Races in Heaven or does everyone look the same?
Well, the Bible says that in Christ there is no race, neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, so the assumption has to be that there is not race or even sex in heaven. Obviously one could never know this unless they went to "heaven" to find out. But scripturally speaking, bible wise, there is no race.
However, there are other scriptures that where not put in the bible that indicate that there are no races either and there is complete equality. Several gnostic gospels indicate the shedding of earthly identification when reaching the heavenly realm. Identity gets shed with the imperfect earthly body. So we see a trend in christianity at least, that there is no real race determination.
Muslims believe that there is race, as do hindus and buddhists, but the bible itself does not follow this perception or belief.
There is one kind of look in heaven and I believe we will look like how Adam and Eve looked in the garden of Eden. It was the downfall of man that led to all these different races and languages but it wasn't meant to be like that.
The Bible says that our bodies will be transformed to heavenly bodies. It does not describe what those will be like, just that they are completely unlike what we currently know. As Konquererz notes, race does not seem to be a division that the Bible holds to.