Eajohnson, welcome to the Character Creation Thread.
In regards to the AC and HP more details on that by the end of the week (As I just got back to a computer after being gone for two weeks).
Hopefully the character sheet has not been too difficult to navigate and all your character's information has been placed there.
Eajohnson, if you have not already added "Trinket" - "Small Glass Jar with unknown gelatinous contents" to your character sheet, please do so now.
Kyrroeth and Eajohnson you are now both ready to post into the Main Thread.
Please read through the story so far by following the link near the top of this page. Post an action corresponding to the group of children that were playing with in the trees near the water's edge.
Please review the Character Creation Starting Post as updates to both Hit Points and Armor Class have been posted. Again questions, thoughts, and/or concerns about these changes may be posted here.