Miss Teen USA under fire for allegedly using N-word
Karlie Hay won the title Saturday night. "I admit that I have used language publicly in the past which I am not proud of and that there is no excuse for," Hay tweeted. Ref. Source 5i
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Miss Texas Teen USA Karlie Hay (Hover)
Sometimes you can have a pretty face and a mouth that's ugly. Its a terrible thing to use racial slurs at anytime and more so if you're looking to be a public figure. Think ahead before you say something you regret because if you want to be Miss Teen USA then it will come to haunt you.
Many people do not understand that hate is not something we learn naturally. It is taught to us. Many people learn to dislike or distrust those that do not look or act like you. We learn it from our parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins and those we grow up with. We also hear it from the media and some officials. It is very easy to learn to hate or distrust others as we are swamped with it as we grow up.
It takes a lot for a person to over come all of this. IT takes someone who is strong willed and willing to go out of their way and look at things from the other side. It is very hard to leave you comfort zone and find out how others may have been raised and how they look at the world. So to say all of this I can see how she may have learned to use that word without really thinking of the damage it can cause. I just hope that if she wants to be able to be a better person that she learns what it is like to be different.