Bar Fight
In the Tavern in the Village, something happens that could possibly change your life!
GM: You start as you are! This means you may not buy anything more or go anywhere else because game play begins in the Tavern. I am willing to start with two, however you may want to wait for someone who is more experienced to lead, but that is up to you.
Bar Fight (Hover)
All of you are gathered in the Tavern.
GM: Please have a look at the Tavern Map: Source 7 to get an idea of where you are.
You happen upon each through a matter of luck and like interests. It is nighttime, the best time to relax, have a drink and plan the morrow's activities. Within the tavern are a few wenches, the keep and a couple of regulars.
GM: Say at which table all of you are gathered. You may also ask any specific details about the tavern you wish.
You sit in the middle of the tavern so as to take in all around you. The Tavern is dimly lit and everyone likes it that way, after all it is night and almost time for the day to end. In the kitchen something smells good.
You attempt to look around some more when a smiling wench comes up and asks with a rather exciting tone what you will be having...
It seems her question inspires your stomach as it now grumbles with pangs of hunger which is not helped by the smell of grilled meat and hot rolls coming from the kitchen next to the bar.
You are sorely tempted...
GM: What will you tell the wench?
You continue to look. There does not look to be any men at arms within the Tavern, but there is a curious hooded person seated at a table near the stairs. He is in the shaded area and seems to be slowly drinking his ale without much movement or interest in his surroundings.
A slow walk around reveals nothing unusual. The Tavern has a main entrance to the south set by heavy double doors. The kitchen and back door has its own entrance but that is not for customers. You have never been upstairs so you do not know what is up there.
GM: Say what you will do now.
Ewgene decides to check out the upstairs a bit closer and walks past the hooded man on her way there, however all she can see is his hood as it drapes over his face. The light of the fireplace casts more shadows than it seems to help. Where the man sits might be considered cozy in such an environment. You look down at the table where his hands rest, and his rough hands, that of a man who has seen days of hard work clasps the ale mug as one would something precious. He does not move, so as to not make your position obvious you continue. As your foot taps the first step a wench yells over to you,
"What'll be lady, ye looking' fer sometin'?"
Her faces expresses wonderment about your going upstairs.
The rest of you order items to calm your hunger and thirst.
GM: Say what you will do now. A hearty meal is 1gp. Ale for the night is 1gp each. You will need to specify who buys what as I cannot decide that for you.
Egwene responds to the wench,
"I was looking for a place a lady could freshen up. The roads are dusty and the air a bit stifling."
The wench then comes over and whispers,
"Don't think I of but a las, I know thy thoughts and methinks ye will be plying my trade with thy group. If it means that much to thee then give me 10gps."
Your order is taken. Ale is brought followed by a hearty plate of potatoes, greens and whole legs of lamb.
GM: Say what you will do now.
Egwene responds, "Eh, I'll not be wanting to tread on your territory."
She smiles and then continues,
"Perhaps I can find a spigot or well out back with some fresh water. But first I suppose I will have a bite."
She then returns to the group while trying to observe the stranger at the table, but nothing new can be seen, neither does the stranger even move to look at you.
You all eat heartily. The food tastes quite good and even makes you a bit sleepy eyed as your waist enlarges.
GM Say what you will do now.
The night progresses and a wench comes over to ask if you will drink some more ale. Your belly says you should since you are just sitting doing nothing at the moment.
GM: Say what you will do and what you will tell the wench.
More ale is brought. The rest are covered, but Kalfie pays an additional gold piece to take some over to the stranger.
Kalfie sets the ale down while trying to drum up conversation, but the hooded stranger neither moves nor acknowledges your gesture.
GM: Say what you will do now.