Of all the Dungeons & Dragons classes that ever existed which one is your favorite and what about it made you chose that particular class over the rest?
My all time favorite would have to be the rogue. I like all the skills the rogue has. Who doesn't appreciate a nice back stab every once in a while? I really enjoy the stealth aspects of the class. A big part of the appeal also is having to choose your spots in battle. You can't just run up and swing at someone. A rogue requires a lot of thought but is great fun to me!
I hate to be Debbie Downer but I do not have a favorite. Honestly if you picked a situation, I could and would select a particular class for the situation at hand.
I love Role Playing more than Playing to the Roll. Learning to make use of obscure or untried things to find successes is my preference.
Its pretty obvious in my case, I always play a fighter. I really haven't given the other classes a try so maybe I don't know their potential and my taking a liking to them might change my mind but I don't think I will ever given up being a fighter.