Emma the Assassin

Emma Assassin - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 17th Dec, 2016 - 4:02am

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Post Date: 15th Aug, 2016 - 5:38pm / Post ID: #

Emma the Assassin
A Friend

Emma the Assassin

Emma, stands 5 ft 7 inches tall and is a wiry 135 lbs. Emma has blond hair with large blue eyes. Emma has lightly tanned skin and a very comely appearance in general. Emma has chosen to rule the kingdoms by first starting a trade in the black market. She plans on building a criminal empire before making her move on the various kingdom. Emma views alliances as necessary sometimes and will use them to further her own interests.

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Post Date: 27th Aug, 2016 - 8:59pm / Post ID: #

Emma the Assassin
A Friend

Assassin Emma

Reflections on your mother

My mother was always there for me. My father was gone a lot on campaigns so it was just my mother much of the time. She taught me etiquette and the womanly arts. My mother made sure I knew how to handle men because it is a world controlled by men. She always told me by controlling men you can have control over the world.

She is a little softer edged than my father. She can be very tough but she is very loving. At least to our family. My mother nurtured me as a child and made sure I was taught many things. I always skipped lessons from tutors because I prefer athletic endeavors. She loved me in spite of our differences. I wouldn't be the woman I am today without her.

Post Date: 28th Aug, 2016 - 10:48pm / Post ID: #

Emma the Assassin
A Friend

Emma the Assassin Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your father

Ah, to think about my father. He is a wonderful man and a great father. He was gone much of my childhood on various campaigns. He impacted me greatly though. Father taught me how to be strong and never give up fighting for what I want. He taught me how to fight with and without weapons much to the ire of my mother. He was hard with me but I knew that he loved me. My father held me to high standards and didn't allow me to show any weakness.

I hope to show my respect to my father by continuing what he started. I wish to rule all in the name of my father. When I am done I hope that I have earned his approval. I seek that more than anything else.

Post Date: 2nd Sep, 2016 - 7:20pm / Post ID: #

Emma the Assassin
A Friend

Assassin Emma

First time in the Town

First time in the town was quite an experience. I grew up on an estate deep in the wild. I was not exposed to all that society offered. All the services in town were almost overwhelming. The tavern has been the center of my life in town this far. I went there the first day and had a drink. I made acquaintance with some of the town folk. I rented a room there because that was all I could afford and have been staying there ever since. It was such an exciting day though. I felt like my life began in earnest that day.

Post Date: 4th Sep, 2016 - 4:31am / Post ID: #

Emma the Assassin
A Friend

Assassin Emma

Meeting the townsfolk

Meeting the townsfolk. The people here are so friendly. I remember meeting Stefan. He has been so helpful offering me work so I would be able to afford meals and a room in his establishment. He was friendly the first time I walked in. The patrons in the tavern are always friendly without fail.

Everyone has been friendly. All the vendors were friendly when I visited there for the first time. The people I have learned new skills from were helpful as well. I couldn't have progressed as much as I have without their assistance.

Post Date: 9th Sep, 2016 - 12:40am / Post ID: #

Emma the Assassin
A Friend

Emma the Assassin

Finding a job

Finding a job was very easy but they weren't what I had planned. I had envisioned feats of arms being a bodyguard. I couldn't start with that at first due to not having appropriate weapons and armor. I had to work another job to progress towards that. I began by cleaning out the outhouse for the tavern and cleaning the market place daily. These were filthy jobs that I didn't relish. I kept working at them until I was able to buy needed equipment. By working these jobs I am now able to patrol which is more in my preferred work.

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Post Date: 17th Dec, 2016 - 4:02am / Post ID: #

Emma the Assassin
A Friend

Emma Assassin

Advisor Description

I was newly arrived in the Town a few short months ago. While going to the stables to check on transport out of town I saw a handsome man approaching. He was tall standing a half foot taller than myself. The stranger had black hair that was cut short. He had striking green eyes and a charming smile. He stood there in gleaming chain mail. I was at a loss what to say when I saw him he was so handsome.

He held out his hand to me and introduced himself as Captain William. He explained that he was a good friend of my father's and had been asked to look after me and advise me. Captain William had served alongside my father in many battles and was a great leader of men. He promised that if I listened to him that he could show me how to become a great leader. I was pleased that my father who was so stern with me had bothered to send aid to me. I told William that I would be glad to accept it. William and I meet almost every day to practice sword play and for him to impart instructions regarding being a true leader. I will never forget William for this. One day he will be rewarded.

> TOPIC: Emma the Assassin


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