My teacher is super into politics and he was saying that Francois Hollande will bring in a new attitude into Europe that will change things causing the who Euro concept to fail.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%
Designer Lagerfeld calls French president "idiot" over taxes
PARIS (Reuters) - Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has accused President Francois Hollande of destroying France's economy by imposing painful taxes on the rich, calling the Socialist leader an "idiot". The creative director of French fashion house Chanel, whose clients are largely the wealthy who stand to be most affected by Hollande's tax hikes, likened the president to Spanish Socialist former prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. ...
Source: Fashion News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Just now French president Francois Hollande will make a tax that if you pee too many times in a public urinal you will have to pay a tax. Has this guy gone mad? He is obsessed with tax and will only cause an inflation spike in France.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 4 0.4%
French president indignant over affair claim
Under pressure over a magazine report that he is having a secret affair with an actress, French President Francois Hollande says he is going through "Painful moments" But otherwise sidestepped specifics on his personal life. Ref. Source 9