Hunter turns towards Krusten, "they never fully understand how good Lady Fluke's remidees can be simply because they don't spend enough time there." He shakes his head and sips a bit of his drink.
Entering the tavern the Norskman checks everything out before calling over a servant girl to fetch him a drink. To any that are willing to talk with him he says, [I]"This town is a lot larger than I had thought, how does one cover it all?" [/I] At around this same time the serving girl brings his drink much to his delight and relief as he was very thirsty.
"So you're one of those folks." She downs the last of her drink and gestures for a wench to bring another. "Here's some advice: Leave the magical foolishness for after you've developed some muscle. Spells are all good and well, but not if you get killed at the first strike."
Smiling brightly, Momo bounds into the tavern, and slaps down some coins. Ill take a feast, and a round of ale for everyone. Momo seats herself at a table, and tucks into her feast with gusto. I feel today is going to be a good day.