The Town Tavern Chat - Page 249 of 467

The Town's Tavern Wench puts up a dare - Page 249 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 17th Apr, 2019 - 6:00am

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Role-play chat
For ROK II Player Characters to enter the Tavern you must first Create a Character via ROK II.
Post Date: 12th Apr, 2019 - 4:42am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 249

The Town's rowdy Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Having a Laugh of which drunkard Beanillus accepted. Beanillus attempts to tell a joke, but it is so flat that no one laughs so someone lets out a few farts. Beanillus has not the Joker Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Beanillus. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.

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14th Apr, 2019 - 11:33am / Post ID: #

Chat Tavern Town The

After a night in the fail Norskman was not having another visit there ever again. The first thing he did was to seek a drink but he did not have gold to pay so he accepts a challenge.

Post Date: 14th Apr, 2019 - 11:33am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The Town's Tavern Wench calls for a Hand wrestling competition of which drunkard Norskman accepted. Hand wrestling is not for street dogs or ally cats so Norskman is regarded as needing some meat and skill! Norskman has not the Hand Wrestling Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Norskman. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.

14th Apr, 2019 - 11:34am / Post ID: #

Page 249 Chat Tavern Town The

He shakes his head at his lack of ability and walks off in search of work that can pay off his debt.

16th Apr, 2019 - 10:45pm / Post ID: #

Chat Tavern Town The

"At least I know a few steps but I doubt its enough to entertain, but we will soon see if its possible."

Post Date: 16th Apr, 2019 - 10:45pm / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat

The Town's loud Tavern Wench insists on the Traditional Medieval Dance of which Nephi accepted. Moving one foot and then another Nephi sways arms and moves like a professional dancer much to the delight of onlookers. Nephi uses the Dancing Skill successfully and is delighted at how it turned out. Some were betting, so a total of 20 gold pieces was collected for Dancing. A loud roar of joy errupts as they say "Nephi is a champion of Dancing, who can do greater?" Nephi received 35 experience points.

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17th Apr, 2019 - 6:00am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 249

Its an honour to be in fine quality company tonight ladies and gentlemen, I raise an ale high and cheers you all.

Post Date: 17th Apr, 2019 - 6:00am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 249

The Town's Tavern Wench puts up a dare for the Hand wrestling competition of which incompetent Malcolm accepted. Hand wrestling is not for street dogs or ally cats so Malcolm is regarded as needing some meat and skill! Malcolm has not the Hand Wrestling Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Malcolm. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.

> TOPIC: The Town Tavern Chat


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