The Town's Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Having a Laugh of which drunken Nephi accepted. Nephi attempts to tell a joke, but it is so flat that no one laughs so someone lets out a few farts. Nephi is sorely unlucky! Nephi is hurt while trying the Joker Skill.
Antonia forgot herself and her important mission to the point that she became aged and did not know what to do. Her most immediate problem was her lack of gold so she immediately participates.
The Town's thunderous Tavern Wench insists on the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which silly Antonia accepted. Ouch! Not a good landing. All witness Antonia land in between the tables right on a center stool that breaks under the weight of the impact. Antonia has not the Jump Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Antonia. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.